Separation Sickness (Fourth Wing)

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Hey all, I know I haven't posted in ages, but I hope you enjoy this little fic! 


Violet and Xaden were still getting used to the idea of being separated, and having little to no contact given the distance. So it was understandable when their mated dragons started becoming more snippy, agitated, and all around surly. What wasn't planned for, was how it would affect their riders.

Imogen had stayed behind at the behest of Xaden, since Violet needed to be protected, and since Xaden himself couldn't be there to do it.

Violet had pulled Garrick aside before they left on mission, before basically begging to keep a really close watch on Xaden in her stead.

It had been six days with no contact, not even through their dragons. Vi had already started noticing differences in herself, not just in Tairn, as the days stretched longer and longer. She had noticed on day four, this overwhelming sensation of anxiousness bubbling under her skin. By day five, she was even more irritable than when Aunt Flo visited, and that was saying something. As the anxiety and irritability waged war on her nerves and mannerisms, she stopped being able to sleep, worrying about if Xaden had similar symptoms or worse, and if they were preventing him from doing his responsibilities.

It was on day six that Imogen caught on that something was really off with the woman she was supposed to be protecting, though she hadn't anticipated needing to protect Vi from herself. "Vi? What's going on with you? You're being sloppy, have fallen more times than normal, and are being unusually bitchy. What is your deal?" she demanded, looking down at the cadet on the mat for the umpteenth time, this particular training session.

Vi glared at her. "Why do you care?! Because Xaden told you too." she snarled, shoving the other woman's offered hand of help away. She gingerly got to her feet, hissing as all her muscles and joints screamed in pain.

Imogen straightened up, putting her hands on her hips. "No, Violet. I am hounding you because Xaden told me to, I am caring about you, because I am starting to trust you." she said in a firm tone that somehow penetrated the fog swirling in Vi's head.

"I'm sorry, I am really out of sorts, and just feel off." Vi admitted before she could realize she had even opened her mouth.

"How long has it been?" Imogen asked, knowing full well that what she was seeing was separation sickness, as she had researched it after Xaden tasked her with protecting his dragon's mate's rider.

Vi frowned, not quite grasping what she meant, until it dawned on her. "Oh... um... six days, I think." she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "If I feel this off, does that mean Xaden does too?" she asked, keeping her voice as low as possible, as she looked at Imogen in concern.

Imogen nodded. "Chances are, you have it easy. According to what little the scribes have, separation sickness always affects the one who is stronger. So since Xaden and his dragon are technically the stronger of your bond, he is going to be the most miserable. But as his symptoms progress, you will feel more and more off... not sick like him, but definitely not well." she explained from memory, as her own thoughts drifted to their fearless leader, wondering how he was fairing in all of this.


Garrick snuck yet another glance in Xaden's direction, knowing that something weird was going on, because the man was quieter than normal.

"What, Garrick?!" Xaden demanded, earning an embarrassed and confused look from his closest friend, who seemed to have forgotten his power or something. "That is the eighth time in an hour you have tried to be sneaky and look at me, like you are looking for something. So spit it out..." he ground out, grateful that he was seated on an alcove bench in his quarters... well their quarters, because for some gosh dang reason Garrick wouldn't leave his side. It was almost annoyingly clingy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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