A Little Forgiveness Goes A Long Way (The Rookie)

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WARNING: As long as you have seen through Season 2 episode 11, most spoilers stop there. Lucy/Tim hinting, but nothing too bad. Please enjoy!
Rookie Officer Lucy Chen went out of her way to make sure she was ready for working with her original T.O: Officer Tim Bradford. Aside from seeing him in passing, she hadn't seen him much since getting told she could return to work after the 'Caleb and Rosalind Incident'. She finished covering her death day tattoo with cover-up makeup, adjusted her high ponytail, and checked her phone for the time.

"Crap, no! Jackson, we gotta go... like yesterday! " She yelled as she opened her bedroom door, only to find that he was standing by the front door waiting for her with a thermos filled with coffee for both of them.

"Come on, we don't want to be late. You're back with Bradford today, right?" Jackson asked as he ushered her out the door. He locked the door behind them, after handing one of the thermoses to her.

"Ohmygosh! You are a total godsend! Yes, I'm back with Tim again." she said with a nervous laugh. Yes, I'm back with Tim again." she said with a nervous laugh.

The drive to the station was filled with good conversation and a ton of laughter. Once parked, they made their way to their separate gender specific locker rooms to change into their uniforms before roll call.

"Once everyone is paying attention, I have some announcements to go over. The overnight patrol left us with a wonderful mess of a case to follow up on. Last night just after 1 am, a group of six thugs robbed a jewelry store. Leaving no fingerprints and no signs of forced entry, and all were clothed in black. All we have to go off of is their heights and a couple of reflections that show us one or two of their eyes." Sgt Grey said in exasperation.

"Where do you want us?" Nolan asked itching to get a move on, he looked at Chen and West who both nodded their agreement and anticipation.

Grey regarded him thoughtfully, before looking to Harper and Lopez for any sign of the same zealous excitement. Neither seemed to show anything besides the typical boredom. He sighed, knowing both would be needed, and he wasn't sure about Bradford who looked bothered by something.

"Alright, Harper and Nolan do follow-up, Lopez and West hit the streets and run damage control, and Chen and Bradford coordinate with the other daytime patrol officers on calls that come in." He said, dismissing everyone to their assigned jobs. "Bradford, hang back." he added, not wanting to question the man in front of anyone.

"Get the gear into the shop, Boot." Officer Bradford ordered Chen to do, so his meeting with Grey could be without a spectator.

"Yes, sir, "Chen said automatically, taking off with Nolan and West to set their shops up.

"You doing okay?" Grey asked once all the rookies and their fellow officers had vacated the room.

Bradford looked taken aback, not expecting the sergeant to be worried about him. "I'm fine," he responded in true Bradford form.

"Alright, get out there," Grey said, not thrilled with the other man's response but he wasn't going to tell the man that.

"Yes, sir." Bradford mumbled, leaving as quickly as he could while remaining walking. He walked straight to his and Chen's shop, tossed her the keys, and got into the passenger side without a word.

Chen stood confused for a moment, then walked around to the driver's side and climbed in. She buckled up, making a mental note to watch her to watch her T.O. closely,since he wasn't acting like himself.

"Where to first?" she asked, trying to engage the man without being too personal.

"Let's drive around, see if anyone needs anything while we wait for calls." Bradford said, sounding bored and tired. He reached around the laptop to blast the AC, causing Chen's mouth to drop open in surprise. For once, she managed not to say anything, as her T.O. closed his eyes for a moment.

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