Anxiety is No Fun (HSMTS)

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Hey all, this was a request for a show I've never seen... If characters are OOC, my apologies. Requested by red5050o1. Enjoy!
It was dress rehearsal day, their very last chance to go through Beauty and the Beast in full costumes and make any final adjustments. 

Ricky was all dressed up like the Beast, mask and all, and he was mentally running through his lines while sitting backstage when Gina walked up to him in her Babette attire. 

"Hey, Ricky, are you ready to do this?" she asked him, not missing that he almost jumped out of his skin when she spoke to him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." she added gently.

Ricky looked up at her. "It's fine, yeah I think so." he said, sounding a bit too hyper especially for him. "You ready?" he asked, tugging at his shirt collar as if it was too restrictive. 

She raised her eyebrows in concern, but didn't voice her opinion on his behavior. "Yep, so are Nini and Big Red." she said, knowing he would be worried about all of them. 

He smiled, though it never reached his eyes. "Good," he said, zoning out a bit as he tugged at his collar again. 

"Are you okay? Do we need to loosen the neckline on your costume?" she asked him, watching him keep tugging at it without realizing he was even doing that at all. 

He dropped his hand to his side and blinked at her in confusion. "No, it's fine," he said with a shrug, not realizing his hand had drifted back up to his collar again. 

She frowned, choosing not to mention that he was doing it again, chalking it up to anxiety about the show later that night. “I’m going to go make sure everyone else is ready,” she said, walking away in a sound similar to ruffled clothes lying in her wake. 

Ricky sat in silence, staring into the auditorium, trying to imagine it full, in an effort to prepare himself and served to not notice that something was off mentally. As he sat there, he was completely unaware that Gina had gone to get Nini and Big Red, bringing them back to check on him. 

“Dude, you okay?” Big Red asked, startling the teen in front of them. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you,” he said in a rush when he saw the teen looked a bit freaked. 

Ricky smiled when he saw it was just his friends, visibly relaxing but his hand stayed at his collar. "Yeah, I'm great. How are you? Ready to do this?" he asked, appearing to notice the frown on all their faces. 

"Yep, we are all ready. Why are you messing with the collar of your costume?" Nini asked before Big Red was barely able to get his mouth open. 

Ricky shot an annoyed facial expression at Gina, for drawing attention to him. "As I told Gina, I'm good. If we are all ready, let's get started." he quipped, hardly keeping the edge out of his voice. He walked away, before anyone could say or do a thing about what he said. 

Gina looked at Nini and Big Red in concern, "Think it's just nerves?" she asked, earning a nod from both. "I'm not convinced. I've seen him nervous, this doesn't look like nerves, it looks like something more serious is going on." She persisted. 

"Well he isn't going to ask for help with it, so what should we do?" Big Red asked, looking in the direction of their retreating friend. 

Ricky walked at a steady almost speedy pace, not stopping until he got to the bathroom a ways down the hall from the auditorium. He slipped into the bathroom, leaning against the door once it was closed. His mind was reeling, his heart was pounding crazy fast, and sweat was pouring from every pore that it could seep from. 

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