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" Hmm.... Next up is Superwave; which is Kara x Mick Rory"

Both Kara and Mick blush when they see themselves together as a paring. In the team, Barry and Ray look interested while Caitlin and Cisco keep squealing. Now Ollie's interest is finally peaked. He's now paying full attention to the screen.

Oliver: So this one can actually work.

Kara: It can.

Kara says in agreement.

Barry: And it looks good too.

Barry looks excited.

Mick: It definitely does.

Mick also admits, with a soft smile.

Felicity: I would actually like to see that pairing in action.

Felicity says, slightly surprised by herself, agreeing as well.

Oliver: Me too.

Oliver simply says. The rest of the heroes continue to stay silent, but it seems that they would be interested in seeing this paring as well.

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