West Allen

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"We have Iris x Barry. West Allen"

Barry and Iris also blush when they see themselves in another universe. They're surprised and happy that people ship them together.

Kara: Okay, I have to admit, this is cute.

Kara says, while Cisco starts squealing.

Felicity: It really is cute.

Felicity says quietly.

Oliver: Yeah, this pairing is adorable.

"Well you see this particular one is actually hated and liked among the fans. Some see you more like siblings and well, back and forth on liking WestAllen and not."

Barry: I personally don't mind it.

Barry says, defending his choice of significant other.

Oliver: Yeah, same here.

Oliver agrees.

Cisco: And they look so freaking cute like that.

Cisco says, squealing about the pair.

Kara: Yeah, like I said, it really is adorable.

Kara says, smiling at the paring on screen.

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