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The screen first shows the parting of Oliver and Felicity

"First up we got Oliver and Felicity. This is dubbed Olicity"

Oliver and Felicity both have a surprised reaction when they see the two of them in another universe as a couple. Barry and Kara also look shocked.

Oliver: Interesting...

Felicity: This is what people wanted for us?

Felicity says in a surprised tone.

Kara: I mean, I could see you guys together.

Kara says. She's probably thinking about how these two are always fighting, yet somehow the chemistry is there.

Barry: They look so good together.

Barry says, sounding like a shipping fan himself.

Felicity: Huh...so this is what we could've been...

Felicity says, starting to imagine the possibility.

Oliver: I don't hate it.

Oliver admits.

Felicity: Neither do I.

Felicity also admits. At this point, Barry is cheering them on.

Oliver: Alright, let's see the next one.

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