Chapter 8

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From that moment on, Gabriel and Nathalie started dating. They went on many dates, getting to know each other even better, discovering that they had a lot in common. Nathalie permanently moved into Gabriel's residence. Even though they were dating, she still slept in the guest room, which became hers. Gabriel didn't force Nathalie to sleep with him. He respected her space and waited until she was ready. Adrien also became very fond of Nathalie. They both loved to tease each other, but it was never malicious. They came up with stupid ideas together, which Gabriel often didn't like. Nathalie had become a friend to him and he hoped that soon he would be able to call her mother too. Most often, they teased each other about his's future siblings.

A: Hi Nath.

N: Hi Adrien, what's up. I saw you came home late yesterday.

A: Yes, my friends and I were make patrols trying to use your information against the supreme's people.

N: And what were the results?

A: Unfortunately it's not good. Supreme must be intimidating them a lot because we haven't managed to convince any of his people.

N: This is what I was afraid of, but we cannot give up. I'm sure they will come to our side sooner or later. We just need to change our strategy. Blackmail brings no results, so you need to make an offer you can't refuse.

A: What do you mean?

N: We tried to be like Supreme by using fear. That's why they don't want to trust us. Even though these are rich selfish people, we forget that they are still ordinary people with ordinary problems. During your next patrol, try to reach deeper into their problem and try to find a solution. I'll ask Gabriel so that we can all go together. This way we will be able to take care of several people at once. The best strategy will be to focus on the entire family. By solving her problem, we will gain more allies.

A: That's a really good plan.

N: Thank you Adrien.

A: Nath..

N: Yes?

A: I was thinking... that since you mentioned family. Adrien smirked.

N: Do you have any wishes?

A: It's good that you mention it.

Adrien took out a piece of paper with the girl's name "Lavender" written on it. And below it there are points about games, room and clothes.

A: I would like a sister. As you can see, I created an outline of her room, the colors and what will be where.

Nathalie started laughing. She knew Adrien was joking. It became their little game in which Adrien surprised her more and more. But she loved teasing him.

N: I see that you have already prepared everything, but I see flaws in your plan.

A: What?

N: What if it's a boy?

A: Then I will create another room for him and this one will wait for my sister.

N: So you can have dozens of siblings until you get a sister?

A: I always felt lonely so I will be the happiest brother.

Nathalie gently nudged Adrien.

N: If you want to get rid of me, you should have said it right away haha.

Adrien just hugged Nathalie.

A: Never in my life, I guess I'll have to settle for my brother then.

Nathalie ruffled Adrien's hair.

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