when the sun comes up

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Porsche found Vegas on the balcony, smoking on the floor with his legs hanging down the building through the metal protectors. He'd come out to smoke as well, but the moment he saw Vegas, he hesitated, wondering if he should turn around and go back. They were coworkers. On some days, they were even friends. They'd found a way to make this strange situation between their families work, even though Porsche had inherited Vegas' father's ring.

But all that was different that night because it was about sex. And sex, Vegas and Porsche didn't make for the best mixture.

"You've been avoiding me all night," Porsche said, sliding the door shut behind him as Vegas turned to look at him.

Exhaling a puff of smoke, he said, "I'm trying to be polite."

"I thought," Porsche said as he sat beside him, fitting his legs through the protectors like Vegas had done. "Tonight was supposed to be about doing the undoable with the undoable person."

Vegas laughed and shook his head. "It's not that simple."


Vegas placed his hand on the floor behind Porsche and leaned close. Without meaning to, Porsche leaned away. Vegas raised his eyebrows at Porsche as if to say, "see what I mean?"

"I know what you did," Porsche said, unable to help himself.

"I know you do."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"You're not?" Vegas asked, moving back to sit as he lit another cigarette. "Because I could tell the moment you found out."

Porsche scoffed. "No, you couldn't."

"You still talk to me. You still work with me. But you're careful with your words. Your sex jokes completely disappeared. You make sure we are never in a room alone. You may have tried not to change but you did."

Porsche didn't know he'd started treating Vegas differently. He wasn't scared of him. Not in the conventional way. One on one, Porsche could take Vegas. Heck, he'd been tied up and drugged and he'd still managed to get one weak hit in. So fear wasn't the word he would use when thinking of Vegas.

Caution. That was it.

Taking the cigarette out of Vegas' hand, Porsche tipped Vegas' head to turn in his direction as he kissed him. Vegas was caught off guard but in less than a second, he kissed Porsche back, slothing their mouths together as his hand went into Prosche's hair. When Porsche pulled away, Vegas didn't pursue.

But his eyes dipped to Porsche's lips, as he licked his own.

"You don't have to do this," Vegas said.

"I know."

"I'm not a dragon for you to slay."

"Yeah, I know."

"But," he said, taking back his cigarette. "If you want me to suck your cock..."

Porsche laughed as Vegas joined him. Awkward. But still.

"I'm sorry," Vegas said. "For the... for that night."

"That's all you're sorry for," Porsche wondered.

"Everything else was fair game." He let out a puff of smoke. "We were on opposite sides and I honestly don't think I'd do any different if I had to do it all again. But," he looked at Porsche. "I didn't have to do that to you. That night of the auction. That one... that was out of line and I'm sorry."

Theerapanyakul men and their "sorries". Porsche had been through it all with them and frankly, he didn't think any apology from Vegas was suddenly going to change the way he interacted with the man. He wasn't going to stop being careful. He wasn't going to suddenly forget. He was never going to forget, so what did it matter if he ever forgave him?

In silence, they smoked, as the sun peeked over the horizon.

The other residents of the den were mostly asleep. The few people who were awake were either eating or in the shower or lazying about, so Porsche was happy to take a break from all the moaning and grunting that had gone on all night. Peace. Even if it was while he was sharing a smoke with Vegas.

From inside, he heard a pair of feet shuffle onto the balcony as Jom said, "Has anybody seen Tem tonight? Like..." he said sleepily. "At all?"

Vegas frowned. "Now that you mention it," he turned back to Jom. "Has anyone seen Phi-Tankhun?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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