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When Pol opened the life-size box, it was a stacked Jenga set with very huge blocks.

"Are we taking a break from sex?" Arm asked, crawling out from behind the farthest curtain in the den.

"Come and see what I found," Pol whispered, gesturing for him.

"What's going on?" Porsche asked, sticking his head out of his own curtain. "Oooh, Jenga." He emerged, wearing nothing but a pair of white panties.

"Why are you people even whispering when your whispers are louder than your regular voice?" Pete asked. He'd been sitting at the bar when Pol had noticed the box and gone to retrieve it.

"Are we the only ones awake?" Pol asked.

"Yep," Arm replied. 

"I'm hungry," Big said, rubbing his stomach.

"I ordered food. It should be here soon."

"Who wants to play Jenga?" Pol asked.

"Nah," Arm said, the same time that Pete shook his head and Big said, "No."

"Well, I want to play." Porsche helped Pol push the covers off the stack of blocks before standing before it. He examined the stack as he moved around till he found a block. "This one." Touching one of the blocks, he slowly began to push it out. As soon as the block fell, it rattled like an empty container with something inside of it. "Hnh," Porsche said, picking it up. He turned it around and read from it. ""Answer the question or open the box. If you choose to open the box, you can no longer answer the question. You must use the object inside." Okay, that sounds interesting."

"What's the question?" Pol asked.

"What is the dirtiest thing you have done to someone else, tonight?" Porsche scoffed. "That's too easy."

"What did you do?" Pete asked.

"Oh no," Poesche said, shaking his head. "If you want to hear my answer, you have to play."

"Fine, I'll play," Pete said with a shrug. "What's the harm?"

"It's not like it's hard to answer the question, but I kind of want to see what's in the box,” he said, shaking the box vigorously as a tiny object bounced around inside.

"Me too," Arm said.

"You can't see if you're not playing," Pol said to him as Arm contemplated.

"I'm in," he said, dismissively. "Open the box."

"Big, are you with us or not?" Porsche asked.

"Can't I just lie here in peace and wait for the food?"

"No," multiple people echoed throughout the room.

Pol nearly laughed, watching Big get bullied into joining a circle he'd previously cared nothing to be a part of. With everyone finally on board, Porsche popped the lid of the box, froze, then he broke into laughter.

"What is it?" Pol asked.

Porsche held up a purple buttplug.

"Oh god," Pete gasped, covering one eye while the other one watched Porsche and the buttplug.

"How do you want me to do this?" Porsche replied as he squatted. "On my back or on my knees?"

Pol gulped, watching how shameless Porsche was about it. Was he really going to just…? Right in front of them? Without shame?

"On your knees," Arm said as Pol looked at his boyfriend in shock, wondering where Arm had gotten the dose of sexual boldness from.

Porsche turned his back to them and got on his knees, holding up the plug. "Does anyone want to help me?" he asked.

“What?” Pol asked. “Aren’t you supposed to do it yourself?”

“Yeah,” Porsche said, looking back at them with a mischievous smile. “But wouldn’t you want to see someone else do it?”

Pol’s mouth went dry.

“I’ll do it,” Big said, getting to his knees as he shuffled towards Porsche and took the buttplug. “Get on your hands.”

“I can’t see,” Arm said, crawling closer.

With Arm and Big in the way, Pol couldn’t see either so he followed. No sooner had he gotten closer was Pete joining him. In a semicircle, with their eyes peeled for the sight before them, they watched as Big lubed up the buttplug and placed it against Porsche's asshole.

“Are you ready?”


Leading the plug in with his thumb, Big pressed it into Porsche’s hole that welcomed without much resistance. As it went in, Porsche pressed back against it, groaning softly as he arched his back. His skin looked as soft and smooth as Pol remembered it to be. Unable to help himself, while Big moved the plug in and out, to the rhythm of Porsche’s subtle movements, Pol grabbed his ass, leaning closer to watch the plug disappear and appear in a mesmerizing motion.

“There,” Big said, fixing the plug into Porsche’s ass as he patted him softly and withdrew.

“Hey,” Arm said, voicing the same frustration Pol felt at Big’s sudden conclusion.

“Why did you stop?” Pete asked.

“The command was to put the buttplug in. Not fuck him with it.”

As Porsche turned around to sit, gently, he smiled at them. “Don’t worry. Maybe one of you will get the box that says someone has to fuck you with a buttplug.”

Hunh, Pol thought in anticipation. It had been fun to fuck and be fucked all night, but Pol had to admit, the idea of sitting in the circle while his friends watched someone fuck him with an inanimate object, did seem like the perfect progression for the evening.

“So who’s next?” Arm asked.

“Me!” Pol, Pete and Big said, raising their hands.

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