two new teams

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From his place on his hands, while Arm and Pol held his legs up, Pete picked the last grape off of Big's belly, biting into it to release the little spurt of alcohol that has been injected into it. When Arm and Pol let go of his legs, he collapsed on the floor with a giggle as the world spun around him.

"Are you okay?" Porsche asked, moving closer to Pete.

He wasn't in a better state of mind. He was just as drunk as Pete. Just as horny, with his dick sticking out of his white panties, the same way all of theirs were. They'd been playing for a long while and no one was answering the questions. They were just pulling out boxes, looking for the assignments and the treasure within.
So far, They'd gotten bare tasks that led nowhere but left them excited, never quite leading to any actual kind of satisfaction.

Pol had rubbed lube on Big's dick but had to stop because the assignment hadn't been ejaculation.

Arm had had his armpit licked and sucked by Porsche till they were both panting but neither of them could go further.

This was Pete's second assignment where he'd been asked to ingest something from someone else's body. At least this time, it hadn't been nipples. He'd been saved the torture of having to suck on nipples without doing anything else. But that torture had been replaced by the fact that Arm and Pol, who were supposed to be holding his legs up, had taken to rubbing his thighs, feeling him up, edging so close to Pete's dick, but never quite getting there.

"Who's next?" Bug asked, his voice going slower and loopy, the longer the game went.

"Hey," Time said, poking his head out of a curtain. "Are you guys having fun without me?"

As he asked, he came out as they made room for him. Before he'd sat, Kinn and Tay were emerging from the other tent.

Even though Pete had fucked them or blown them or touched them all at some point in the might, he wasn't sure how he felt about them seeing him in the disoriented form he was in. But just as he was trying to straighten up and sit up, Vegas emerged, naked as the day he was born, rubbing his eyes like he'd just woken up.

"What's going on?" Vegas asked, his dick hard and jutting for all to see.
Pete knew the rules of the night. They were there to touch the untouchables and do the undoables, but nothing would ever trump the feelings of ravenous hunger that filled him, just seeing Vegas.

"They were playing Jenga without us," Kinn said, looking at the pile of unboxed Jenga assignments, in relation to the tiny stack that was still left.

"Isn't there something for us all to play?" Tay asked, absently picking around the bar as he emerged with a new box. "What's this?"

Arm reached him, reading from the top of the box. "A game for two teams."

"A sex game?" Time asked.

"Obviously," Vegas replied, falling into place beside Pete.

"How do we choose teams?" Porsche asked.

"Seeing as you guys started without us," Tay said, placing the box on top of the pile of jengas boxes. "We'll be our own team and you guys can be yours."

"Yeah," Big said, randomly throwing his hands in the air.

"That's not fair," Kinn said. "We're four. They're five."

"I’ll play," Jom said, crawling out of his curtain.

"Great," Pol said, struggling to stand as his legs gave way beneath him. "The bosses versus the bodyguards."

They were so going to lose. All the bodyguards were horny and tipsy and from the looks of it, the "bosses" were sober and stable.

It was going to be such a big mess for the guards.

And yet, Pete couldn't wait.

Strange Bedfellows [kinnporsche the series]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora