♦️4 Black Wolf♦️

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The other day my whole body ached, because of the long time spend in the wolf's saddle I wasn't used to.

The order guys gave us small breakfasts and than we were divided into groups. I didn't felt envy for them, they had to organize four hundreds of people a year on every equinox or solstice, just because everyone wanted to either became a Spectre killer or was left here, because their parents didn't want them.

From what I've heard, they even have to manage surrounding of the church, because of high Spectre activity.

Damn, Specters are showing more and more often.

My group had the first lesson of mind understanding. We were sitting in a circle, and the old lady form the gate before, was explaining.

"To be able to sucesfully shield your mind, you have to know minds in your surroundings. By this ability you can either recognize others strong emotions, or over time even read minds."

"So basically telephaty?" somone asked.

"Telephaty is the ability to inflict yourself in others minds," lady looked at us deadly in the eyes.

Suddenly sound rang up in my head. It was really loud and not even covering my ears helped to silent it.

"Like this," I recognized the woman by voice. Looking at others gave me a hint they heard it too, "... also don't interupt me or I will give you penalty."

"Don't think you will be able to do this. It requieres years of practice." My head was aching and focusing on anything felt hard, however the woman continued and I forced myself to listen.

"For all the 'future Spectre killers' this is the most important thing to master. Spectre dimension an anything that comes from it, is incredibly hard for humans psychic. Weak people colaps in the first ten seconds of the encounter with Specters. And you know why being unconsious around them is dangerous."

I raised my hand and didn't even wait for permission to speak.

"Will we get to go near Specters?"

Order member gave me angry look and I instinctively knew the 'penalty', she was talking about, is coming. I was determined to not show any weakness, whatever it may be.

She snapped her fingers, and everything around me started slowing down.

Suddenly pain exploded in the middle of my ribs. I gasped. But still had my plan in mind. I clenched my fists and my knuckles turned white. But I didn't made any sound. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't focus. I just wanted it to end.

I was clenching my fists so hard, my nails pierced my skin and blood started dripping on the floor.

Every time one drop fell, I heard a sound when it touched the ground. Everything was slow, it took forever and I was sure I will start screaming if it won't end now.

It stopped.

"Hmm, not bad, normally they don't last this long," said my torturer, "to answer your question, yes. Next time don't interupt me, this is you last warning." She continued speaking like nothing happened.

Later I heard that for others, the moment that felt like a hours for me, was only a split of a second for others. And I realized that for the entire time I felt similiar presence, like when she made a demonstration of telephaty for us. I think she weakened my mind and took a peek inside of it.

I didn't like her, but she felt it when I tought about, so I had to force myself not to think of it. Which didn't work.

After our lesson came to an end, I didn't learn single shit, I went to check on Jarwin, if he was even alive an stuff.

Luckily he was and to my suprise, he was even happy to see me. He wiggled his tail and let me pet him. It seems they were taking a good care of him.

They even allowed us to take our animals out for a while. I knew I will probably end up leaving Jarwin here, or I will die and they will kill him. But still I spent all my life around canineths, wondering how it would feel like having one, so I took him on a leash outside the stables.

Noone wanted him, cuz he's weird, but seeing him enjoying life and jumping around, was kinda cute.

I heard some people whispering that he's cool, I guess even this guys don't have the money for canineths, I suddenly felt proud for some reason. Until some dude with leather jacket showed up riding truly beatiful black wolf with glowing red eyes.

He could've been around my age, and he seemed really experienced in combats. I noted that I should keep him in check, just to be sure.

"I still think the brown is prettier," one girl shared quietly with her friend, but I still picked it up.


I was walking down the hallway minding my own bussines and thinking how they are leting us rest too much when suddenly the guy with the black wolf from before appeared in front of me. It suprised me and we collided.

I'm not short, but he was nearly a head taller than me. Damn.

"What do you think you're doing?" he frowned, more people appeared, he already found the time to make friends. I adjusted my fingerless gloves.

"Nothing. I was literally just walking."

"You little shit," he turned to throw a jab.

I dodged, it was like fighting a giant wolf, and fighted back. He was fast too, but visibly angry, I didn't let him punch me.

I got hit in the shoulder, when he was aiming my head. I noticed he was getting furious and impatient.

I made it look like I wasn't paying attention, because of my shoulder, and when he tried to hit me, I quickly turned around and punched him in the stomach.

He maybe was stronger, but I could read his movements easily. I guess he never fought with someone on the similiar level. I was kind of disapointed.

That was a mistake. Lost in toughts, suddenly my head turned around and I didn't understand why. Than surroundings of my eye started to hurt. He got me.

I stood up and went full on attack, my punches weren't as powerful as his, but I was determined to get past his defense. He had hard time blocking all that until I finally hit him in the head. My shirt was getting dirty.

I'm not letting this asshole win.

With the corner of my eye I've seen other kids, yelling and trying to stop the fight, but I didn't care. I probably had really angry look on my eyes.

The guy shoved me on the floor and started hitting me. I was trying to catch his fists but in this position it wasn't really doable. I punched him and he gave me a small gate to got on top.

I repayed him the punch into my face.

Someone grabbed me and tore me away. I recognized white coat of psychic order, and I wanted to kick the dude for one last time. They forced him to stand up and they dragged him behind me.

"Jarwin is better!" I spited on the floor, loud enough for him to hear it. I don't care he doesn't know who it is.

It was childish. Really childish. But I was happy with myself for some reason.

The person that tore me away from that black haired boy glanced at me.

"You two have a problem."

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