Only then could I see what had happened. The wheel axle must have broken, because the carriage wheel was pointing in a strange direction.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to take you any further."

The coachman shook his head, his face grim.

I looked at the carriage for a moment. Then I took out a silver coin from my pocket and handed it to the coachman.

I knew now that a few coins would have been enough for the fare. But it would cost money to repair the carriage, and the coachman wouldn't be able to work in the meantime, so it was better to give him a little extra.

The coachman held out his hands and refused.

"You can just go. I wasn't able to take you to the place you said you were going......."

"I have to pay for the ride I've already taken. It looks like it will cost a lot of money to repair the carriage, so don't refuse and take it."

The coachman hesitated for a long time, looking at the silver coin. He glanced at Tan's expression, then looked back at me, and then at the coin again.

I looked at Tan. He had an uncomfortable expression on his face, but when our eyes met, he shrugged and took a step back. Only then did the coachman take the silver coin I had offered him.

"I will pray that God's blessing is always with you." he said.

"That's a good thing to say," I said, smiling.

The road was a mess, blocked by the broken carriage. It seemed like we would have to move a little bit to get a carriage.

Tan tilted his head.

"Are we taking another carriage? We're halfway there, let's just walk."

This was something I had never considered before.

I looked around quickly. I saw many people walking instead of taking carriages. It seemed like it would be a different experience. I carefully examined the path and pointed in one direction with my finger.

"Is this the way?"

"No, the other way."

Tan walked ahead.

It felt strange to be following someone's lead. I rummaged through my memories. Was this the first time?

It wasn't the first time at all. I had followed after my sister Louisiana as she searched the inside of Blasweitz Castle for the treasure hidden by the pirates. And I had also walked behind Her Majesty the Queen when I attended the hunting festival in the first year after receiving the title of Grand Duke.

Other than that, it was the first time.



"You keep falling behind. You'll get lost if you do that."

"It's not like we're in an underground labyrinth."

"If you could only get lost in the underground labyrinth of Palier, there wouldn't be a single missing person in the world."

Tan stopped and gestured for me to come over. When I stood next to him, he started walking again. We walked side by side, our shoulders brushing against each other. I felt a little like I was being treated like a child, but I didn't mind.

It was quite a walk to the workshop district. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The scenery was much better on foot than in a carriage. It was interesting to see the tall buildings and the people walking bustling down the street.

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