Untitled Part 3

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Breakfast was cream. It tasted rich. I also cut up some raw ham and ate it. It was more edible than I thought.

I felt refreshed. It was strange that I didn't feel sick even though I only ate a little jam yesterday. I also slept well. I didn't even dream.

Unlike Joshua Basatia Vintiscaya, Albert Letier seemed to be healthy. However, I couldn't keep eating jam or cream.

I thought for a moment and corrected my mistake. In the first place, there wasn't enough cream and jam left to eat until I got sick. I didn't want to starve, so I had to find money.

Where could the money be?

I thought about it carefully, stirring my spoon.

Before I went to the kitchen, I took a quick look around the bedroom. Instead of a money bag, I found a pile of papers. There were a few letters and a lot of notes. I also found three or four coins next to it, but it was nowhere near enough to hire someone. It didn't even seem like enough to pay for yesterday's carriage ride.

I sighed. I had no idea where the money could be. It seemed like I had to search the whole house.

There was nothing in the kitchen except for the meager food and cooking utensils. There was no money in the bathroom or toilet either.

The living room was dusty from disuse. There was a painting of an unknown landscape on the wall. There were two long sofas and a one-seater sofa, and a table in between, so the search was over quickly. There was no money.

I went upstairs to the study on the second floor. There were too many things, including books. The books were classified in a mess. I left the books and shelves alone and looked elsewhere.

There was nothing of interest in the first and second studies. In the third study, I found a household ledger.

The person who wrote the ledger carefully wrote down the income and expenditure by hand and totaled it each month. It seemed that I would be able to understand Albert Letier's finances if I had time later. I put it on the desk and went to the fourth study. There were only books here, too.

I looked at the stairs leading to the third floor.

Could there really be no money?

This was a serious problem. It had only been a day since I came back to life. A person can die if they starve for a month. I felt anxious when I thought that I only had 29 days left.

After looking at the three doors on the third floor, I chose the room with the junk.

I went in and came out coughing shortly after. My nose was ticklish and I couldn't do anything because I was coughing. It seemed that Albert Letier's body wasn't infinitely strong either. I decided to have a servant or maid look through the junk room later.

I sighed and opened the bedroom door. I was going to start with the pile of papers I found in the morning. Maybe there were land documents or certificates mixed in. Or maybe there would be a clue as to where to find the money.

"This is..."

There was a hastily scribbled memo on top of the pile of papers. It said 'death', 'fast-acting drugs - Albota, Wizolabo, Haes, Burbundy...', 'funeral appointment', 'don't lock the door'. The contents were incoherent. They only hinted at the fact that Albert Lettie had intended to take his own life.

Soon I found a bundle of pay stubs. Albert Letier's monthly salary was less than my monthly medicine bill. I looked at the numbers and exhaled slowly.

"It would be a big problem if he got sick."

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