The Millers Daughter

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Annalise pov

Mary Margaret and I stood in the apartment on the phone with David apparently something had happened in New York. Hook took his ship and followed them and attacked Rumple...

"Hey, I just talked to Emma." David said "It's a bad wound." "She says it's poison." "They can only cure it back here in Storybrooke."  "They're taking the ship home."

"We'll let them know that they have the knife, okay?" Mary Margaret asked "Who knows what that wicked woman would do." She hangs up the phone and I sit down. "Annalise are you ok?"

"I can't lose him" I said my eyes tearing up "I can't" Mary Margaret sits next to me and takes my hand

"You won't" Mary Margaret said "I see how happy he makes you...and why I don't fully understand why him...I'll accept it because I want you happy" "We'll save him" I nod "Come on we should go to the docks and wait for them." She holds my hand and fixes the strap of my sling. We head down to the docks where David is and wait for them. My hear races when we see the Jolly Roger dock. Emma and Henry come off and I hug them both carefully minding my shoulder

"How are you?" Emma asked looking at me

"I'm fine" I said "Where is he?"

"They're getting him" Emma said and I nod

 "Are you okay?" Mary Margaret asked

 "Yeah." Emma said "Yeah." "We're all right."

"Uh, I drove a ship." Henry said

"You did?" I asked

"Yeah, my dad showed me how." Henry said

"That's me." Neal said. I look over and see Rumple being helped to David's truck. I rush over as he sits down

"Thank you." Rumple said "Thank you."

"Rumple!" I said and he looks at me

"Annalise" Rumple said I carefully move next to him and kiss him softly my eyes tearing up. I pull away

"You are not leaving me you hear me?" I asked and he nods. I place my forehead on his and close my eyes

 "Is Cora trying to control you with the dagger?" David asked

"Well, you'd know if she was, because most of you would be dead by now." Rumple said pulling away from me

"Well, then, we'll just have to take the fight to her before that can happen." Marry Margaret said

" We will." David said

"And this time, we finish it." Mary Margaret said

"Mary Margaret..." David said

"David." Mary Margaret said "She needs to be stopped." "She needs to be killed." "Our daughter isn't losing the man she loves because of Hook or Cora" "This is our family." "We are going to protect it."

"Of course we will." David said "But what you're talking about goes beyond that."

 "Does it?" Mary Margaret asked "Because she is the reason you've never met my mother."

"I know." David said "I know what happened to Queen Eva, and I have zero problem with Cora dying for it." "But not by your hand." "And not out of vengeance."

 "Why?" Mary Margaret asked

"Because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself." David said "You have the purest heart of anyone I have ever known." "That's who you are." "And that's who you're going to stay."

"How are you feeling Rumple?" I asked

"Ah, I'm beginning to feel a bit stronger." Rumple said "Take me back to my shop." "There's magic there can protect us." Neal and David help get him in the truck

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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