Chapter Six

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It was early morning and so the sisters decided to jog together. While Jin-ah was wearing a light-colored jogging outfit, Jeongyeon wore a darker colored one being the exact opposite of her younger sister.

“So, where’s (Y/n) oppa, unnie?” Jin-ah asked her older sister as she jogs beside her. “I thought you told him that we’ll be jogging together?”

“I did but he said he couldn’t make it because his work required for him to be there for something important.” Jeongyeon grumbled, pretty much salty that she won’t be spending a whole day with him.

Jin-ah snickered quietly at her older sister’s disgruntled look. “I heard his work as a salesman at a weaponry and armoury.” She told her.

“Yeah,” Jeongyeon answered. “how’d you know that?” she asked.

“Oppa always tells me about it.” Jin-ah shrugs. “He also told me that he’s actually good friends with an S-ranked hunter.” She said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“He’s what…?” Jeongyeon slowed down from her jogging but not full on from stopping.

‘Pfft, she’s jealous.’ Jin-ah giggled inside her head. “You know the vice guild master of The Hunters? Cha Hae-in? Yeah, I heard from oppa that he’s good friends with her. Like really, really good friends.” She told her.

Jeongyeon had now fully stopped and Jin-ah soon followed forth and instantly regretted for playing the ill instigator right now. “He… lied to me?” she whispered.

‘I may or may not have dug (Y/n) oppa’s grave right now…’ Jin-ah thinks to herself, ‘Oops…’

“I’m going to go on a job.” Jeongyeon announced, surprising Jin-ah and before her younger sister could say anything. Jeongyeon was gone at an instant.

“Looks like I’m gonna have to tell Oppa to prepare himself.” Jin-ah scratched her cheek nervously.

“Prepare myself for what?” (Y/n) asked as he appeared behind her, scaring her for a bit.

“Gah! Oppa, what are you doing here?!” Jin-ah exclaims.

“I got off from work and decided to leave early for the day, I bought you two some water since you guys were jogging, right? Where’s Jeongyeon-ah, by the way? Is she still jogging?” he asked as he rummages through the plastic bag he was holding.

“Uh, about that…” Jin-ah twiddled her thumbs nervously. “I think Unnie needs to cool her jets for a while ‘cause I may or may not have made her jealous.” She grins sheepishly.

Hearing that, (Y/n) closed his eyes as he inhaled deeply and exhaled making Jin-ah wince as she hears that. “Why would you do that?” he asked.

“I thought it would be fun to see Unnie jealous but that went south and you’re gonna have to suffer the consequences of it.” Jin-ah laughs nervously.

(Y/n) sighs and rubs his forehead, already forming a game plan on how will he calm down a jealous Jeongyeon on his own.




“It’s good thing I haven’t accepted that reward yet or else I would’ve been dead…” Jeongyeon mutters as she placed the loot inside her inventory. “My head’s all clear now…” she sighed.

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