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"Now that we are all settled," sighs the tall man opposite you, hopping down on the grass with a one-sided, playful smile. "Would you explain this, love?"

You frown as he drops a bag of gold from his hand and it clings to the ground when it arrives.

You raise your head and pretend that you didn't hear him, moving around a bit uncomfortably in the ropes he used to tie you to a tree.

This is humiliating.

The night is still long, and the light of the Moon feels faint, barely revealing the silhouette of the young man.

But even in this dim semidarkness, his red locks are escaping from his straw hat like blooming flames to taste his sunburnt skin.

It's only the two of you around, but somehow, you are not afraid of him.

He was clearly stronger than you since he could drag you all the way here and tie you up, but you didn't sense any danger from him.

His eyes are a deep shade of brown that almost turns crimson, but it still feels like you are looking into a slow, ancient river that can't be bothered by the outside world.

He is a beautiful man.

You smile.

Maybe I shouldn't have tried to rob him.

"I asked you," he repeats tiredly, elbowing on his knee and massaging his head. His cheeks are still flushed from the sake, but he seems aware and collected. "Listen, you have a pretty face, and I clearly drank more than I planned tonight. You could have just asked for a drink or two, and who knows. But why did you take this?"

You smile again and shake your head, and he blinks in confusion.

"I don't understand," he puckers his lips, resting his chin over his palm. "How are you not scared? You don't get how dangerous this is? I could do anything to you if I wanted, and you look at me like I dragged you here for a goddamn tea party."

You satisfiedly move around a little, and his eyes soften as he watches you.

"I love that," he smirks. "Keep smiling."

You immediately shoot him an angry glare, trying to look as threatening as possible, but the man only laughs at you quietly.

He sounds charming, you think.

The thought upsets you deeply.

You want to jump into the sea.

You can't swim.

And that upsets you even more.

"Come to think of it, you haven't said a thing since I caught you," he wonders, scratching his nape with an almost invisible pout. "You objected for a few minutes after I threw you above my shoulder, but you didn't shout for help."

I knew you wouldn't hurt me.

His eyes narrow, and you shoot out your tongue at him, to which his pout grows significantly, much to your entertainment.

"Anyway, I can't just let you go off without answers," he states, folding his arms, trying to look mighty. "You tried to take my money, not to mention that you- hey, I'm talking to you! OI!"

You turn back and look at him annoyedly as his loud voice scared a kitten you spotted a few meters away.

The young man is too stunned to speak as he watches you struggle under your ropes, crawling inch by inch toward the cat, then almost bruising your back as you kick off your boot and try to reach out with your foot to pet it.

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