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My phone's rammed with messages and I've barely gotten out of bed.
Ugggghhhh!!!! Don't these people ever sleep.
I finally grab my phone from my bed stand still lying on my bed. I force my eyes open so I can read the texts

It's Erick...he's the only one that calls me that. I guess Richard did send my number. I smile.

Me: Papi chulo
You woke me up 😩

Erick 😻:Sorry mami

I hate you so much rn😒

Erick 😻:Lol
So you're one of those guys

Me:Which guys🧐

Erick 😻:The type that's always grumpy when they wake up

Sometimes... Maybe 🙃

Erick 😻:How are you

Me:Tired...frustrated...sleepy... I'm feeling a lot of unpleasant feelings rn 😔

Erick 😻:Aye mami
What can I do to help

Me:I really want to kill someone rn

Erick 😻:Killing spree or you have a specific bait

Me:Specific bait
I think you happen to know him 🙂

Erick 😻:Now who could that be 🤔

Me:He goes by the name
Erick Brian Colon
He literally destroyed my today 😖

Erick 😻:Does this Erick Brian Colon happen to have sexy green eyes and is super super handsome😏

Yes he does have green eyes but I donno about him being super super handsome 🙃

Erick 😻:Aye mami
I don't think we're talking 'bout the same person

Me:OMG Erick!!!
Why do you think he's super super handsome
Ahhhh.... Erick are you gay

Erick 😻:No mami

I promise it'll between us both

Erick 😻:No I'm not

I know I know Erick
I'm just teasing you 😅

Erick 😻:Ahhhh bad girl 😂

Me:I'm still mad at you tho😤

Erick 😻:Me??

Me:Yes you

Erick 😻:Ok lemme make it up to you
How about I take you out for lunch

Me:You plan on buying my forgiveness with food

Erick 😻:Well...

Me:Oh my gosh Erick🙀

Erick 😻:Is that a yes or no

Me:It's a yes
Just tell me what time you're coming over

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