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My hands roam about my bed searching for my phone just as I hear the bubbling notification sound. I finally find it and force my eyes open to read the notification.

George😋: Tia!!!

George😋: U there!!!

George😋: It's either you're dead or you've forgotten about me😢

George😋: Com'on luv answer me. It's been like a week now.

Shit....it's actually a week now and I haven't texted George...my bestfriend. I miss him so much.

Me: I'm really sorry luv
I've been busy

I text almost immediately

I was ready to book a flight to Miami to find you

Me: You can't be serious

George😋:Ofcourse I am
If you'd have gone missing Kyle n I would have had a serious fight then I'll go after which ever guy kidnapped you

Me: What made you think I'd have gotten kidnapped¿?
Where on earth do you get your imaginations from¿?

George😋:I'm your soulmate I could feel you getting kidnapped
And well ofcourse you made me like this

Me:No I did not

George😋:Yes you did

Me: You know what...I'm not even going to have this with you. You win

George😋:I miss you so much T 😭

Me: I miss you more

George😋: Lies!!!

Me: But I do

George😋: If you did you wouldn't have left

Me: Gosh!!!
You know exactly why I did

George😋: Yh yh
Those boys right?

Me: Yh
CNCO not "those boys"

George😋:They're guys aren't they?

Me: Com'on
Do we have to do this

George😋: Nope
So how's Miami?

Me: It's lovely
Well except Kyle tho😒

George😋:I told you not to live with him

Me: But you know my parents
He's the only friend I have that they trust

George😋:I should've come with you

Me: Yes, you should've

George😋:You know why I couldn't
But I promise I'll come visit one day
I'll spend a month maybe

Me: When¿?

George😋: It's a surprise

Me: Com'on

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