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I look around the club feeling totally out of place. Ofcourse I'm breaking a rule and knowing Kyle, he's going to kill me when I get back. I grin at the thought of pissing him off. He's too overprotective of me...always giving off that big brother vibe. Besides I didn't literally fight my parents to let me spend my gap year in Miami just so I'll have myself locked up in a building again.

I'm totally lost here, not knowing what to do I just stare around. To be honest I don't even know why I'm here all I know is I was mad at Kyle, I left the house and found myself here.

I immediately notice a pair of eyes lingering over me I turn away quickly to avoid any awkward eye contact. I call for the waiter and order a glass of wine. My eyes subconsciously linger back to the person that was staring at me but he's gone. Oh well, what a shame.

The music changes and I smile knowing the new song. It's a CNCO song and hell I love those babies. I subconsciously start lip singing although I'm not really good at Spanish.

“I'd buy you a drink” Someone whispers from behind me drawing me from my thoughts.
I'm frozen in place and it's not because it's the same guy that was staring at me just a few moments ago no it's not...it's because I know that voice, well not technically but I do know the voice though.
I smile trying to hide my blush.

“I.. Umm” I stammer.

“Com'on Chris you can't go on scaring pretty girls like this” That was definitely Joel.

I blush. Like he just called me pretty.
I'm definitely dreaming. Oh My Gosh, someone pinch me.

“Scare!!” Why does it sounds more like he's asking me. I just smile.

“So where're your other baby brothers” I ask Christopher turning to face him.

“Baby? I'm hurt” Joel says with his hand over his chest and I giggle.

I'm still trying to hide my blush when they sit next to me. The waiter comes with a wine bottle and wine glass and hands it to me with a smile. I smile back.

“I'm offended” I hear Christopher say.

“What happened now?” Joel asks.

“How can you ask that, she's clearly flirting with that waiter just infront of me” He says.

“Ofcourse I am. He's cute, isn't he” I tease.

“Ouch. You just want to hurt me don't you?” He says smiling.

“Ofcourse not baby. I can't hurt you” I say as I sip my wine.

“Awww, she just called me baby” He says to Joel.

“Don't get yourself worked over it. I call everyone baby” I say.

“You're mean” He says.

“No, I'm really sweet” I grin.

“Nope, you're mean” He says.

“You like me being mean don't you?” I tease.

“Honestly... Yes, It's sexy” He smirks.

Fuck,that backfired. I blush hard as I take a sip of my wine.

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