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"Dad, I think i can do this"
A 7 year old child whines beside his father. Her mother inside the room with her physician trying to revive her but the man couldn't let their daughter to witness what her mother is going through

"Daddy!" She shouts at him but he holds her wrist tight not to let her go through the door

"I want to save her! Let me! Let me try! Please Daddy.."
She sobs slapping his hands around her wrist

"No, there's nothing you can do now.. she's tired.. we should let her take her rest"

"But daddy! What's the use of me now? I've gone through a lot.. i did everything that scientist told me, I did every single thing he so i can do this when time comes!"

She insists but her father scoot to match her height

"no, you've done enough! I can't lose you both you understand?! I know you want your mother but she wouldn't let you do this if the exchange of this is your life"

"but daddy. I can endure it.. I won't let you down this time.. you won't lose me!"

She cries more pushing his chest for him to let her go. She wants her mother. She want her to be okay, to gain strength so they can be happy again. She doesn't want to hear her cries again from the pain of her treatment

She curse cancer. She doesn't understand why she needs to have those little malignant bumps around her lungs. Why does those cancer cells need to be active inside her body to make her suffer? Why her?

She's just a child but she already understand it. She studied it. Reads a lot of articles and writing about her illness that's why she agreed to under go an experiment. To be a living cure for in line of duty. Her father is a general. A man that was given a project, a task direct from the president of South Korea to lead a research. To have an experiment and produce a human that can cure any injury

It just happened that his wife was diagnosed of lung cancer and their daughter was desperate to find a cure. She's only a child but her determination to find a research lab to find cure. She even promise herself to be a doctor someday to help someone in needs but this moment is most crucial in her

She knows her treatment to be a living cure hasn't completed yet but she wants to try. She wants to at least give it a try. She hopes that this time she can do it right

"No! Daddy! Mommy's going to leave us! I don't want her to go.."

She's trashing around but her small figure can't do much damage of her father's built

"No! I sad no! Taehyung you listen to me alright! If you try and see that you're healing her I know you wouldn't stop till what?! Till we both lose you?! You know you're mother wouldn't forgive me if that happens so what's the use?! I won't risk you both"

"But daddy!"
She cries hard still wouldn't give up to escape from his hold but Mr. Kim wouldn't let her go even if he gave bruises around her wrist

Mr. Kim is determined. He and his wife have talked about it. The last time Taehyung tries to heals her didn't ends well. As she was still small, her ability to heal to an adults takes more of her health. She weakens like a flower that has deprived of sunlight and water for a little  time that she tried to heal her

As Mr. Kim sees what effect it has for her daughter, he stops it. He pulled her out from her embrace to stopped the process. In return, his wife's condition worsened and their child needs to rest at least two weeks because of it

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