Back for blood

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Life would be wonderfully simple if it were like the bedtime stories we tell our children, wouldn't it? When the bad dragons capture the princess, the courageous prince defeats the dragon and saves the princess. Sadly, though, that isn't the reality. There is no such thing as good and evil, and the world is not painted in black and white. Would have made everything a lot easier, trust me.

Now, where should we begin? From the beginning? The end? Or from somewhere where it would actually matter? I think that the latter is the best. Now, let us take our first step into the shadows. That is from where it all began... in the shadows.

The night sky matched the black asphalt that led to a small, quaint town of mystic falls. But the travelers of the night were not led astray by the night. The moon watched over them and guided them through the treacherous night. Such a traveler was seen that night.

[Bad to the bone.]

Mystic falls a place that I once considered my home. I never would have thought that I would have come back to this pow-dunk town ever again, and yet, here I am. I was driving towards the town, and a wave of memories was crashing into my consciousness. The memories were bittersweet to me; this was the place where I found and lost everything that I once held dear. I swept aside the dreary memories and turned up the music. It wasn't the time to be reminiscing about the past; it was time to make my future.

I entered the town, and the place did seem to change quite a bit since last I had been here. But in essence, it remained the same town with so many dark secrets. I was feeling a little hungry, so I decided to stop by somewhere to eat. I was driving around when I saw a restaurant. This will do in a pinch, I suppose. I parked my car outside and went inside. The place was filled with people; it had a much younger crowd than I would have expected from this town.

As I entered, a young hostess came to greet me. She looked around my age; she had long brown, wavy hair and a pair of amber eyes. She looked beautiful but bags around her eyes and smell of smoke still lingered a little around her. A troubled young girl, "Welcome to Mystic Grill. I'm Vicki; sorry, we don't have a booth free at the moment, but you can sit at the bar and order something while you wait."

I smiled and nodded in agreement, and she smiled back and led me to the bar. As we were walking, she looked behind and asked, with a curious smile on her face, "Are you new here? Haven't seen you before?"

A little chuckle left my me, and I said, "I'm visiting someone."

We reached the bar, but she didn't leave right away, and the answer I gave her didn't seem to satiate her curiosity. I offered her my hand for a shake. "Name's Tommy, by the way." Her face beamed with happiness, and she shook my hand, but it seemed to be short-lived. She looked past me, and I turned around to see what it was that made it so.

It was a boy with short black hair. His eyes were shooting holes in my back. I chuckled and reeled my arm a little to shake Vicki, and that seemed to have gotten her attention back to me. I looked into her eyes and said, "Take it from someone who has a little experience; you don't want to be with a hot head like that... never ends well."

As soon as I said that, she pulled her hand away and looked at me with a mixture of anger and anguish. "You don't know anything."

I sighed and looked at the bartender. "Whiskey." She left from my side in a huff. The bartender looked at me, and I showed him my ID, and he took it and grunted a little, "Works for me." He poured me a glass, and I took it and drank a little. That's when I felt a presence that I'm all too familiar with. But it's always bad news for me. I looked back to see who it was, and I saw a girl.

She had soft, black, wavy hair and a light brown complexion. She had a slender figure and looked rather cute, I might say, but the thing that caught my attention was her eyes; they were dazzling emerald, which captivated my gaze.

TVD: Beyond the pale moonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora