1- Noah - the morning treat

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noahs kitchen where this page takes place

Silent tears trace their paths down my cheeks, landing on the pillowcase with soft, barely audible plops. Agonizing pain pulses through my body, and my gaze drifts toward the small window beside me. More tears flow, the urge to scream and release the inner torment building like water filling a confined vessel. 'Why?' The question echoes in my mind as I ponder what I've done to deserve this life, or more specifically, the punishment of this day. Wrapped in my thin blanket, I'm ensnared by the question, my eyes closing as sleep finally embraces my exhausted mind and body.---My eyes snap open at the resounding slam of a door, its echoes rippling through the nearly vacant house. Panic surges through me, propelling me out of bed in an instant. "Oh no, oh no," I think, heart racing. "What did I do? I cleaned the entire house!" My father's voice cuts through the air, demanding my immediate attention. "Noah!" he calls out, and I respond with trembling hands on the doorknob, bracing myself for what's to come. Stepping into the living room feels like stepping into a living nightmare."Come here, right now," his command leaves no room for negotiation. My steps falter, but I continue, hands clasped tightly together to hide their shaking. "Yes, sir?" I manage, my voice quivering, eyes lowered in submission. "Drop to your knees," his order is heavy, inescapable. I comply, fear gnawing at my insides."Please," I plead through fresh tears, cheeks wet. But his response is an impatient slap, landing on my face with stinging force. I'm forced to the ground, the cold tile biting into my bruised skin, igniting a fresh surge of pain. "Please, I'm sorry," I beg once again, desperation in my voice. It's as though my tears and pleas are inconsequential."Open," his voice sends shivers down my spine, the sound of his zipper cutting through the air, my heart racing in my chest. I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to escape, focusing on anything but the impending violation. "Wait—" my words are abruptly halted as his demand is met, his intrusion into my mouth causing me to gag, the taste of salt and sweat swarms my tastebuds as tears stream down my cheeks. "Suck," he orders again, a command I can't refuse.When he's done, he withdraws, leaving me gasping for breath, feeling violated and powerless. "Clean yourself up; you're a mess," he states matter-of-factly before departing. "Yes, sir," I mumble, a wave of disgust washing over me. I summon my strength, pushing myself off the floor, and stumble toward the small bathroom.Staring at my reflection, I'm met with disheveled hair from his rough grasp, red and swollen eyes, and the sickening evidence scattered across my face. Revulsion courses through me as I strip and step into the shower, hoping to cleanse away any remnants of the nightmare before I must face another day, including school.Studying my reflection once more, I gather my belongings and leave the house. The cool air hits my face as I step onto the sidewalk, taking a deep breath before embarking on the journey to school. Arriving at the entrance, I enter the place that's become my mental prison. At least here, I can escape my father's torment, though it's exchanged for the threat of random classmates finding amusement in my misery. Walking into my first period, my eyes instinctively search for Theo.We're acquaintances, sharing the same space and sometimes exchanging words. We sit side by side, and though I carry an unspoken crush for him, our connection goes no further than that. "Hey," he greets as I settle into the seat beside him. "Hi," I reply, sneaking a quick glance before focusing on my pencil and notebook. As our teacher, Ms. Lee, begins her lecture, I feel Theo's gaze on me, unwavering and steady. "Yes?" I eventually ask, turning to meet his concerned eyes. "are you ok?" His question catches me off guard, his worry etched across his features. I stammer my response, trying to reassure him, yet knowing that there's more beneath the surface. "liar"

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