Cruger nodded, "Elgar's in his base, but he's well protected. I can keep my men out of the area for 15 minutes but no longer than that. With luck, maybe the fireworks will drown the noise."

"That's very good," Sky responded.

"Good luck," Cruger said,

"Don't worry," Sky assured him,

Sky leaves a couple hundred in Credits on the table. Charlie does the same right after. Sky then rubs his lit cigarette down on the ashtray before stepping away, and Charlie follows after him.

Sky and Charlie exited the bar from the back entrance into an alleyway. Right as they exit a car pulls up and comes to a stop just in front of them. The driver exits the car and reveals himself to be Jack.

"'Bout time you two showed up," Jack grunted.

"Bridge still watching the perimeter?" Sky asked.

"Yep, he's ready to kill the power on your go," Jack responded, walking over to the rear of the car and pulling out his morpher.

"It's morphin time" Jack said, Sky and Charlie approached and took out their morphers, Bridge was already morphed, "SPD emergency " the three said morphing into their ranger forms.

Charlie then followed Jack and Sky up the alley.

"Carson," Sky spoke into his earpiece, "You set?"

"In position ready" Bridge spoke over the radio chatter,

"Roger that," Sky responded.

"Do we really need to take this son of a bitch alive?" Jack asked.

"We're SPD Jack you know we have to, beside he knows where Divatox is, but everyone else in their we can kill" Sky said as he took out his Delta blaster, Charlie did the same, Jack took out his duel blasters as they neared the outside of the complex. Only thirty seconds to midnight now.

"Jack," Sky ordered, "Link up with Bridge and breach with her through the front. Charlie and I will cover the rear. Box those bastards in nice and good."

"Alright, just watch your fucking crossfire, y'here?" Jack quipped,

Sky chuckled, "Twenty seconds, go."

Jack took off around the side of the complex to link up with Bridge. Charlie and Sky took up position behind the brick perimeter surrounding the complex. They got a good look through the sliding glass door to see eight Phiranatrons completely oblivious to the fact they'll all be dead in a few seconds. Two of them were so drunk they could barely stand but that didn't matter.

"In position," Jack spoke over the radio.

"Likewise," Sky responded, "Alright squad, let's help them ring in the New Year."

Charlie's watch hit midnight, and right on the dot the power went out. Some of the phiranatrons inside started to panic, and this was the cue to move up. Charlie and Sky stood up from cover and opened fire through the glass. Jack and Bridge stepped in through the front entrance and fired into the group as well.

When the gunfire stopped, at least minions had been killed. One of the survivors dropped to the floor almost instantly while another took position behind a column. Charlie and Sky rushed in as did Bridge and Jack. The phiranatron on the floor reached for a blaster on top of the table before Charlie put a few rounds in his back. The one behind the column opened fire, forcing Charlie and Sky to take cover by the table. Jack opened fire with his Delta runner blasters, before shooting the minion in the head.

There were panicked noises from upstairs as well, and the rangers downstairs heard glass shattering from above.

"Head up the stairs, go!" Sky ordered, Charlie took point as she rushed up the staircase and disposed of two hostiles, one armed with a shotgun who was firing blindly.

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