???: Vo'toad.

Ako nods and looks at the other one who had a darker skin tone.

???: Utoen.

Ako nods to them both.

With grim determination, the Yautja began to discuss their plan of action. They knew they had to gather information about the planet and devise a strategy to outmaneuver their relentless pursuer, Ako's sister. Speaking of Ako, her mind raced as she considered the possible paths they could take. She knew they needed to strike a balance between offense and defense, ensuring their survival while remaining one step ahead of their enemies.

As the moon hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the forest, the Yautja dispersed into the darkness, their cloaking devices concealing their movements. Ako's senses heightened as she scouted the area, her eyes scanning for any signs of danger or clues that could lead them closer to their goal.


Amy walked out of her psychology appointment feeling a mix of relief and introspection. The sessions have been helping her more and more, delving deep into some of her past experiences and emotions. As she stepped onto the busy sidewalk, her mind was still processing the insights she had gained.

Lost in thought, Amy suddenly felt a jolt, as if she had walked into an invisible wall. Startled, she looked up to find Blake, standing in front of her. Blake's warm smile put her at ease.

Blake: Hey, Amy! Long time no see.

Blake exclaimed, her eyes filled with genuine concern.

Amy: Oh...hey Blake.

Amy helps Blake up and they begin to walk together. The two girls begin to converse with one another.

Blake: How's everything going? I heard Draco's been doing well.

Amy's eyebrows raised in surprise. She hadn't expected Blake to be aware of the changes in her team dynamics.

Amy: Oh, Draco...It's been an interesting transition, to say the least. He's bringing a fresh perspective and some new tactical ideas. So far, it seems to be going well.

Blake nodded, listening intently.

Blake: That's great to hear, Amy. How's your psychology appointments fairing too?

Amy smiles slightly.

Amy: They've been helping...although, I still really miss (Y/n)...

Blake's bow bends forward slightly as her chipper attitude seems to fade along with her smile.

Blake: Yeah...I know the feeling...His mum's been doing okay too. Her and I talk at her book store from time to time...the stench of red wine sort of keeps the mood down though.

She admits. Sometimes she wishes her sense of smell was the same as a humans sense of smell.

As they walked side by side, Amy couldn't help but notice the genuine interest in Blake's eyes. It felt comforting to have someone who cared enough to ask about her well-being.

Amy: How about you, Blake? How are things going with your team?

Blake's expression turned sad as she held the books in her arms tightly against her chest.

Blake: It's been...rough. Weiss and I are either helping Yang and Ruby with study or breaking them up after they get into a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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