The crash

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A black haired man wearing a white Atlas military uniform walks to his house in the snowy plains after being dropped off via a bullhead. The man turns around while walking backwards and watches the ship distance itself further and further from his location. He opens the door and is immediately tackled by a young girl.

???: Daddy!

The man smiles and laughs as he embraces the child.

???: Hello Ava.

A young woman with blue hair comes into view holding a sleeping toddler who was wrapped around her upper body. The man smiles and stands up and goes to the woman.

???: Hey Samantha.

They share a kiss to which Ava gives them a gross face and pretends to vomit.

Samantha: Hey Zack.

The man known as Zack smiles and looks at the toddler. He caresses its head which causes its face to crumple up as it turns its head away and into the crook of Samantha's neck.

Zack: How's he been?

Samantha shrugs with a smile.

Samantha: Likes to eat every forty minutes but he's been pretty tame. How about you? How was work going today?

Zack lets out a deep sigh as he puts his things down.

Zack: Good and bad. Ironwood's been itching for a new improvement to the bots.

Samantha raises a brow and sits next to him.

Samantha: Again? You almost took all of last year to make and improve the AK-200's with Pietro.

Zack nods and sits back.

Zack: Yeah....he's still rejecting the super soldier development. Despite the recruits I've recommended and trained personally.

Samantha leans back on the couch with her eyes still on her husband.

Samantha: Speaking of how are all the boys?

Zack thinks and then chuckles to himself.

Zack: Well, Cisco is still kicking ass at hand to hand combat. Really needs to start using weapons though. Jenkins is the complete opposite though. Couldn't defend a goal that man. Then there's Peter. All he ever does is show off in front of the ace ops, more towards Harriet.

Samantha giggles at this and leans on Zack's shoulder.

Samantha: Maybe the super soldier idea could be held off for a bit?

Zack exhales deeply while looking at the roof of his home. He looks at her then smiles.

Zack: Maybe.

Just as Zack and Samantha settle into their peaceful home life, enjoying the company of their children and reminiscing about their work, a loud crash brings their attention to the living room window. Zack and Samantha exchange glances and head outside to see something had made a clearing in the ground and knocked down dozens of trees.

Zack: Stay here.

Zack starts to traverse the ruined grounds in front of his house until he comes to the source of the destruction. His eyes widen as he sees a ship unlike any he's ever seen. His face goes from cautiousness to curiosity. He approaches the ship and notices the glass window looking into it. He looks inside to see a figure unconscious in the seat of the ship.

Zack: Hello? Can you hear me?

The figure flinches and slowly moves his head up to show the red chitin-like mask. Zack's eyes widen as the figure then stabs at the glass which causes Zack to back up and fall on his ass. The figure stands and stumbles to the glass where it then punches the door making a few dents before it finally gives way to the force of its attacks. The figure comes into the light with its black tail moving around slowly. Zack took in its appearance.

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