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A group of Atlas soldiers are seen doing a variety of training. Two soldiers were sparring. One was weightlifting and two were having a basketball one on one.

The atmosphere is filled with the sounds of grunts, clanging weights, and the squeak of basketball shoes on the court. Zack enters the arena with you beside him, looking around and smelling the air. One of the soldiers notice you and bumps his colleague on the shoulder.

???: Got a newbie Jenkins.

Jenkins looks towards Zack and yourself and raises a brow.

Jenkins: A faunas?

Jenkins wonders as his eyes scan your features, mainly your long black tail and extra appendages on your back.

Jenkins: Any idea what kind of Faunas that is, Cisco?

Cisco hums and taps his chin as he analyses your 'faunas' traits carefully.

Cisco: Could be a scorpion.

Jenkins looks at his companion with a look of uncertainty.

Jenkins: Scorpion's have tails like that?

Cisco just shrugs at his question. Meanwhile, Zack approaches you, a determined look on his face.

Zack: Today, Hybrid, we're going to focus on testing your physical abilities. We want to see what you're capable of and how your unique traits can be utilized.

You just tilt your head at him which causes him to sweat drop and sigh.

Zack: Tests, Hybrid. Okay, looks at everyone in the room.

You follow his finger as he points out to the room. You see the soldiers doing their individual activities. You look at Zack then back at the soldiers.

Zack: I think you've got it down...hopefully you do anyway.

Zack looks at one soldier doing laps and points at him.

Zack: We'll start with the easy test. You see the guy running?

You follow his finger again and look at the man running.

Zack: Do what he's doing right now.

You stare at Zack who sighs seeing you not budge and reaches into his pocket. A familiar scent graces your nose as you look at him holding onto a packet of jerky. You inch closer to him like a dog who has spotted an unguarded piece of meat. He however pulls the packet back and waves his finger at you.

Zack: Nuh-uh. You gotta work for it. By work, I mean run.

He states as he points at the man running again. You look at the track and find it going in an oval shape. It didn't take long before realising that you need to follow the lines. You walk to the track and starts to speed walk before going into a full sprint. Zack looks on in awe as you are easily able to complete a full lap, overtaking the soldier who stops after you pass him and looks in awe.

???: What in the fuck?

Jenkins cups his hands together.

Jenkins: What's wrong Michael? Did he shatter your motivation?

The soldier on the track now known as Michael, looks at Jenkins and flips him off. As for you, you kept doing laps to the point that Zack's clapping at the beginning began to fade out as he couldn't believe your almost unending stamina.

Zack: Monty oum.

Zack snaps out of his amazement and starts to type notes onto his scroll. After that he begins to record your running for two more laps before stepping onto the track.

Male! Xenomorph Reader X Cheater Ruby Rose (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now