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"Truth or dare?" Jack asked. He was lying on the floor of the tour bus with his legs propped up against one of the seats. He had his arm across his eyes like he was about to fall asleep.

"Who are you even asking?" Jonah asked with a laugh. As usual, he had a book in his hand. It had been open to the same page for the last half hour since he'd been talking with all of us. I didn't understand why he didn't just use a bookmark and close the book.

"I'm asking Daniel," Jack mumbled from the floor.

The six of us were all spread out around the back of the tour bus. Jonah and I were sitting across from each other at the narrow table. Corbyn and Zach were on one couch while Daniel was on the one Jack had his feet propped up against. And Jack of course was lying on the ground. All of us had been in the middle of our own activities but when one person got too bored they usually roped everyone else into playing some sort of game. Truth or dare had become a frequent favorite.

"Uhhhh truth," Daniel said. He was rhythmically tapping his hands on the couch cushions while he stared up at the ceiling.

Jack lifted his arm off his eyes and tilted his head up to look at Daniel. He smiled.

"Out of the six of us, who do you think has the highest body count?" Jack asked.

Daniel started laughing while everyone else chuckled nervously. I smiled to myself and looked back at my laptop. I was in the middle of editing the pictures I'd taken last night during the show. Since none of them could see my screen, I was taking my time editing a picture of Zach. And maybe staring longer than I needed to.

"Hmm. I mean probably whoever has been single the longest," Daniel said thoughtfully. I knew he was looking around the bus and scrutinizing all of us. "A lot of us have been in steady relationships the last few years."

"What about Lexi?" Jack asked. I lifted my eyes just as he turned to look over at me with a smirk. "We don't exactly know her dating history."

"True!" Daniel said loudly. "And it's always the quiet ones who are the kinkiest."

"He asked about body count not who's kinky," I said. I rolled my eyes but smiled.

Internally, I was willing myself not to blush so I didn't draw too much attention to myself. They were dangerously close to one of my biggest secrets.

"But I feel like if you sleep with a lot of people, you tend to be pretty kinky and more adventurous," Corbyn countered.

I looked over at him now.

"That's not always true," I said. "You can be super kinky with only one partner. And you could also be super vanilla with several partners."

"And which kind of person are you?" Corbyn asked. He raised his eyebrows at me and smiled.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I said and looked back at my screen.

"Oh, she's kinky for sure," Zach said.

My heart jumped and my face definitely felt hot. I looked up at Zach with wide eyes. I didn't necessarily care if the guys knew what my sexual preferences were, but the fact that Zach would say something like that so confidently was unnerving. It was like he knew.

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