Crimea pointed towards the opening and Kureha nodded, both jumping and sliding over it, successfully landing inside the building, hopefully without anyone hearing. While Kureha stood up and rummaged around the room, opening containers and checking under furniture, Crimea searched for security cameras and didn't notice any.

"Oh... It seems we are in a deposit..." Kureha said, looking around and crossing her arms. "There's nothing but junk here."

Crimea pondered for some seconds before asking. "What kind of junk?"

Kureha responded by showing him a screwdriver. Crimea nodded and whispered back: "Then... Judging by the man in a suit, tools spread around here... Maybe we are in a warehouse? Or a office". Kureha put the screwdriver back on a box and walked next to Crimea.

"It's possible..." She whispered, trying to open the door of the room, that wasn't locked, so opened easily, without making any sound. The duo then crouched down and left the deposit room. They were still on the first floor, so it didn't take long to meet the man that they saw entering before. Fortunately the man didn't saw them, and after greeting a worker, walked away.

Crimea breathed in and made his move, silently approaching the worked and putting him down slowly on the ground. Kureha opened another room and they brought the worker inside it, away from everyone's view.

"Good job" Kureha said, kneeling down. Crimea ignored and checked the man's pockets, he was wearing a greyish overall, and a blue cap.

Crimea retrieved a id card, a large paper and some tools. "Name's Jacob Romero... 45 years old, bla bla bla" He whispered, putting the id down. Kureha wrote down the info on her tablet, while Crimea read the larger paper.

It read:

- L-2 unit, Seoul.
Jacob Romero, part of the maintenance department.

Good day, Sir.
It is of my utmost importance to guarantee your, and your coworkers safety, so a new shipment of tools, resources and protection has been ordered. Due to the last incident, i need to remind you that the door locks should be replaced with newer models, so should the doors and security systems. Please, do prioritize those issues.

The rest of the paper was just a bunch of personal information and identification, which would be important to study after, so he handled it to Kureha.

"Interesting... New door locks? Hopefully they didn't get to it yet" She chuckled, taking a photo of the paper, and the id card, then putting it back on the men's pockets.

Crimea looked around and saw that they were inside a small room, with also diverse tools stored all around it, although it was clear this one wasn't designed for it. They left the room and followed the path that the man in the suit went on. While Kureha was distracted with theories, Crimea peaked through a corner and saw a long hallway, with a lot of connected door, and other wealthy looking men laughing and socializing in general.

On the background, they could hear sounds of chatter along with the cool breezes that made their inside the building due to the holes that missed windows. The building seemed to be progressing towards being a office.

The group of men entered a room, leaving 2 security guards outside.

Kureha peaked and sighed. "There's no other way inside that room... Should we... Just shut down the stealth plan?"

Crimea shook his head. "Not yet, let's try to overhear something first."

Then, they both put their ears against the cold cement wall and waited. It wasn't long before a considerable loud chatter began, alongside the sounds of chairs rolling, and wealthy man laughter.

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