A Tripping start for a big step/chapter 2

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Part 2 of the last chapter.

Lunar P.O.V

Moon was just standing there,looking at a notebook.I called him and he turn around putting the book down.

Moon"Uh--I didn't find them.Just some scraps". He said to me.(btw Solar let them in his room)

Lunar" okay moony!"I said in a little high pitch tone.

Abit weird.But I really don't care for now.He said they might not be here.i was sad.But he promise,that we find them later,But for now.We go on our family trip!

Time skip when they are packed up

No one's P.O.V
They went in the car to go to the special family trip.Sun was chill,Lunar happy,Earth excited,Solar...being Solar,Moon calm. They also bought Jack,Ruin and Frank.(I'm not that familiar with the lore.so if I mess up them I'm sorry.even tho this is not really canon.im still make it accurate)Sun was driving.Half of the family/friends didn't trust him with the wheels.They went to a beautiful place.And it was in Canada.(Man I wish I was there,also I'm so bad at names of cities,country,etc)The first thing they got there was booking a hotel. Obviously payed by Moon.

Solar P.O,V

Solar" HOW MUCH DID YOU PAYED MAN!?"I shouted to Moon,kinda felt poor back where I came from.

Moon"uh?...Maybe 5000 or something?"he replied,with a little sarcastically voice.

Earth" Can we go inside?!"she said interrupting the little argument,that was about to happen.

Sun" We can! Let me sign in first with Moon"sun said to Earth.

She really is excited with the she has energy.We follow Sun and Moon in to the hotel to check in.People look at us,like if we were horrifying creatures from hell.Since there are a few rooms in the room of the hotel,we have to share.Earth with Lunar,Jack with Frank, ME and Moon,and sun with Ruin.We unpacked our stuff.I have my notes for my confession for Moon.I wanted to talk to him,about...how I feel around him.I was about to get my coffee packs,until I hit Moon and fell on him.Are faces close than a 4 inches away...

Solar"Um..Sorry Moon" I apologize.While I blush abit.As I scratch my head.

Moon"its okay Solar" As he said it with a small smile at the end.

Solar"I-uh..Have something for you afternoon..Would you join me at 2:50p.m,Moon?"I stammered abit.

Moon"Sure.What is the surprise when we get there?"he asked.

Solar "you'll know when get there at three"I replied to the question.

Moon P.O.V

Now I'm kinda rethinking my sexaulity now.I blushed abit for inviting me, to something special.But why me?His notebook did said he has feelings for me...I asked him a question.

Moon "are we bringing my family and our friends?"I asked him.

Solar"No. I'm just inviting you,since...I felt comfortable asking you" He responded and looked off in the distance.

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