A primal scream of frustration escaped my lips, and I realized there was no way I could escape the net. Even if I did, they would definitely catch me as I tried to run or ensnare me in another trap. I knew that only Asai knew the jungle well enough to navigate it.

As I was dragged inside the tribal structure, I got a good look around, and I could see what I had gotten myself into.

The sights and sounds of the tribe only made me feel more hopeless and out of my depth.

Inside the sprawling structure were tall triangle-shaped huts on the bottom, surrounded by rows and rows of similar huts stretching far out of sight.

Huge tall torches were lined up from both sides in a horizontal format.

A shadow moved across my shirt, and I looked up to find a wooden bridge that connected multiple treehouses to each other.

The tribal members cast looks of terror and disgust as they watched from their houses or from somewhere standing off. I could feel their eyes on me, and their judgment felt overwhelming, making me feel isolated.

They really hate outsiders...

The man continued to drag me for a few moments before abruptly lifting me and the net into the air, sending a jolt of fear through my body as I was unexpectedly suspended midair.

I didn't even have time to take another breath before he effortlessly tossed me, sending me spiraling as I was propelled through the air.

My stomach churned and rolled at the unexpected movement.

Hitting the ground felt unlike anything I had ever felt before.

All the air was knocked out of my lungs, and I felt my arm slam into the ground so hard that I could feel my bones ache from the impact.

The net came to a sudden halt with a jolt, and I gasped for air, the sliver of air reaching my lungs causing me to sob uncontrollably.

I lay on the ground unable to move, quietly whimpered as I heard footsteps approach me.

A feminine voice spoke up from my direction, and the sound brought me out of my weeping.

Out of nowhere, two more tribal men approached me as I lay in my net.

"Please...don't." I choked.

As I raised my hands in a feeble bid to stop them, I realized the man had a knife in his hands, carved from the same material as the one Dr. Lan had shown me.

My eyes widened with horror at the sight of it, and I continued to beg and plead for him to put it down.

"WAIT!" I scream.

I held my breath as I watched the blade come down, and then rise slightly above my head. The knife only sliced at the middle of the net. The sound of the strings being ripped apart and falling seemed to echo through my entire body.

I realized the window of opportunity, and I quickly slithered my hands into the opening and pushed them apart.

Raising my body, I managed to get out of the net.

"Ah!" I let out a sharp cry of pain as I flipped over my hand only to find the knick of the knife's blade.

Damn...I didn't even notice that he cut me.

It wasn't deep, but it had stretched all the way to the end of my palm, leaving a visible gash in my skin as blood began to flow.

The red ooze added to my wish to throw up so I released my hand, letting it drop to my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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