Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

Everyone laughed, telling me you're welcome.

"Hurry up and eat Rose, so you can change your clothes. Because as my best friend, yo' ass is not going out dressed like, 'Who did that and why.'"

I took a bite out of a pancake and instantly I was full. Niall finished the rest of my food, then I went to change into some decent clothes.

"Do we have any plans?" I was stood infront of the full body mirror, back in my room.

"Yes we do." Niall said, slipping his arms around my waist while I put my hair into a high bun.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, not a bit surprised, but not wanting to do anything extravagant.


"As in?" I turned facing him, and putting my arms around his neck.

Niall shrugged. "Go see the city, or something. Then you owe me a real dinner."

"What do you mean real dinner?"

"Our first date was a night full of misunderstandings, and bull-"

"I forgive you." I said, though he'd apologize before and I forgave him before, I believe.

"Last night was amazing," Our noses touched, and his pancake and bacon breath entered my ajar mouth.

I must agree. It was truly amazing. The best I ever had, but technically not my only. And that still got to me a lot, but I wouldn't dare cry about it in from of Niall, because I might crack, and confess my rapist.

But I'm gonna unveil it one way or another. Just not now, or anytime soon.

I was gonna agree with him, until we were interrupted.

"You guys ready?" It was Zayn.

He had a smug look, as if he'd heard the whole thing.

Niall gave him some sort of look, then Zayn scurried off laughing to himself, his laugh echoed in the corridor.

A tad later, I was blind folded, and we'd went to god knows where. But we'd walked there with everyone else, but we lost some people on the way.

"Rose, I'm going to go geeet your present." And I suppose Addi dragged along Harry.

"Louis! Get back here." Liam said, and I supposed he went to go get Louis but never returned because we never heard his voice.

"Me and Perrie are going to erm... Split up and join the rest of the party?" That was Zayn.

Though I was blind folded I knew we were the only ones walking. Just Niall and I.

"What party?"

"It isn't a party. He's just trying to speak in codes." Thank god.

Both of his hands were intertwined with either of mine from behind. My back against his chest, as we walked, and his back sort of arched to put his chin on my left shoulder.

Niall would whisper things every now and then in my ear, and kiss my cheek.

"Are we there?" I asked for the 69th time, while pulling both of Niall's arms around my abdomen.

He kissed my neck, "One more block. Stop being a pessimist."

I laughed. "Must I wear the blind fold?"

"Nuh uh, but It'll make me happyyyyy."

Then I was willing to keep the blind folds on for a whole entire block.

I almost tripped over air, but luckily Niall's arm were around me. He laughed. "Clumsy."

Funny. And about 5minutes later, I could hear screaming of kids, music, laughter, chattering, and different types of noises of fun from a distant...

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