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The next day we started fitness activities. Which involved stretching, going back and forth from one place to another, simple stuff like that. Our teacher Aizawa then said I can remove my mask if it allows me to sweat less. Which sounds helpful.

"I'm not sure. I don't like my quirk all that much" I say somewhat quiet as he looks at me.

"Can't be that bad" he says as I sigh and remove my mask. He practically choked on air. But not in disgust.

"You are a cannibal descendant. We haven't had those for years. And you want to be a hero? " he asks as I just shrug.

"Wouldn't people rather have me kill villains than heros? I know I'm not suppose to kill as a hero, so I'm going to have to find and alternative" I explain as he nods.

I try not to focus on others reactions as I grip a ball for a throwing exam.

I can hear Denki and Mineta cheering me on. And some pink haired girl and some dude with dumb hair. Oh wait that's just Kirishima. Pretty sure he's the smarter version of Denki. Meaning he has more common sense.

I watched Denki trip on air this morning. It was sad.

I throw the ball, and since I'm used to swinging around semi-heavy weapons, it actually goes pretty far.

"Not bad Y/n. Stand on the side" Aizawa instrusts.

I stand next to my two friends as Mina says that my quirk is pretty epic.

"I mean if I had a quirk from like I don't even know... Uh... Deadpool! If I had something like his quirk I would think it's the coolest" she says.

I like that she's trying to make me feel better, however she just listed someone who isn't a God.

So I force my mouth to turn into a smile. Since I can't close my mouth, it makes things a little tricky. But no one seems afraid or disgusted by it.

"Deadpool is a cool dude. Marvel is a sick franchise. I think he's like my favorite" I say as she smiles and nods.

The amount of nice people at this school scare me not gonna lie.

Suddenly Denki points out that Izuku threw bad and Aizawa is speaking to him.

"Is his quirk not working? " Mineta asks as I shake my head.

"I think he was going to overuse his quirk. So Aizawa erased the ability" I mention.

"Oh right. He's Eraserhead" Kirishima says as I just nod a little.

Out of habit I reach to my sides as I remember my fan blades are hidden away in my locker. I'm not allowed to have them until needed. Or if the assignments allow it.

Izuku rethrows and he does pretty well as we all cheer him on.

After school I hear chatter as I exit through the front doors.

"Yea but then that makes you a freak as well" someone says as I realize Shinsou and Monoma has a small group of people surrounding them. They look like people who used to attend the same middle school that Shinsou, Mineta, and I attended.

Actually I think most of us attended the same middle school. We just were in different classes.

"We already are freaks. But we got into this school. Which means us freaks have a huge chance of becoming heroes. Especially Y/n out of all three of us" Monoma says.

I feel my face heat up at that. He's defending me. And himself. But he's defending me.

I walk over to the group, fans hooked on my belt as I remove my mask.

"Are we having a problem here? " I ask as I then target the main guy. Seems like it's tough dude and his little goons.

"Aw this sucks. You know I would eat you if I was allowed. Although the worse the person, the worse the meat tastes" I say in an attempt to scare him.

He grimaces and steps back from the two he was mocking a second ago.

"Is it such a bad thing that people are born with quirks that alter their body? How hypocritical of you... You have wings of a demon yet feel the need to harass my friends. Get lost" I say as I watch the group scatter.

"I could have handled them myself" Monoma says as I put my mask back on.

"Oh? Is that so? " I ask as he shrugs.

"Monoma keep your ego at bay. Let's go retrieve our hero costumes. I'm pretty sure the tailor finally has them completed" Shinsou suggests.

And with that we leave to go pick up our new hero costumes. Which will show we are good people, even if others think we aren't.

The Phantom Thief And The Cannibal (Monoma x fem! reader) Where stories live. Discover now