Bag of Bones

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Bag of Bones


The familiar scent of the clinic enveloped Aurora as she walked down the winding corridor, her heart pounding in her chest. Each step felt heavier than the last, as if she were wading through thick mud, dragging her towards a past she desperately wished to forget. The sterile walls seemed to close in on her, suffocating her with memories she had tried so hard to bury.

Daniel walked beside her, a silent pillar of support, but even his presence couldn't ease the turmoil raging within her. Every nerve in her body screamed at her to turn back, to flee from this place of pain and regret. Yet, despite the overwhelming urge to flee, she pressed on, driven by an unexplainable compulsion to see Ezra once more.

As they approached the front desk, Aurora's heart sank at the sight of Rebekah's stern expression. The woman's cold gaze bore into them, sending a chill down Aurora's spine. It was as if the air had turned icy, freezing her in place.

"You're not supposed to be here," Rebekah's voice was sharp, cutting through the silence like a knife.

Aurora's pulse quickened at her words, a knot forming in her stomach. "What do you mean?" Daniel's voice was laced with disbelief, echoing the turmoil brewing within Aurora's own mind. "We're here to see Ezra."

Rebekah's tone remained unwavering, her words like daggers aimed at Aurora's already fragile heart. "You're not allowed to see Ezra. Not after last time."

The weight of those words crashed down on Aurora like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her in a sea of guilt and regret. "Last time," the phrase echoed in her mind, a haunting reminder of the mistakes she couldn't undo. She had been consumed by grief, lost in a haze of despair, and in her desperation, she had acted impulsively.

Aurora's breath caught in her throat as memories flooded her mind, images of tear-stained faces and whispered apologies. She had made a mistake, a lapse in judgment driven by pain and desperation. But now, faced with the consequences of her actions, she realized the depth of her folly.

Tears welled in Aurora's eyes as she struggled to find the words to express the remorse weighing heavily on her soul. "I... I..." her voice faltered, choked with emotion.

Daniel's hand found hers, offering silent reassurance in the face of her anguish. Together, they stood in the shadow of their past mistakes, grappling with the pain of their shared regret.

"Whose decision was that?" Aurora's voice quivered, betraying the storm of emotions raging within her. Rebekah's gaze flickered with a mix of disdain and pity as she met Aurora's tear-filled eyes.

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