Chapter Nine: College Francoise Dupont

Start from the beginning

Dupain-Cheng. She's different, special, unlike anyone else in this wretched school. And yet, I can't bring myself to admit the truth. I can't acknowledge the fact that I... that I might have feelings for her. I refuse to acknowledge it, especially only knowing her for a day. 

 I can't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, this new chapter in my life will bring with it a chance for something more than the endless cycle of loneliness and isolation that has defined my existence thus far. 

I walk into the classroom and seat myself in the very back, away from all the insolent minds of these idiotic hormonal teenagers. The only reason I am here is to keep up with my identity. 

"Oh, Damian, we usually introduce you to the class before your take your seat." Mrs. Bustier says. She is a very pregnant women with red hair and eyes, a mixture of blue and green, making them appear teal. 

"Very well." I walk back down the stairs, glaring at Agreste on my way to the front. Father said to keep a low profile, that didn't mean I had to like it, "My name is Damian Wayne, I am much more intelligent than any of you imbeciles will ever be. I do not want to be here, nor do I care about who any of you are. I will not be here long, and I do not intend to speak to any of you unless absolutely necessary. That is all." I look over that Bustier, curious of her reaction. 

She stood there, slightly appalled by my words, "That was not very kind, Damian."

"I did not intend for it to be." I walk back up the steps and almost make it to my seat when Bustier calls out to me again. 

"Actually Damian, I know just the person who can turn that frown upside down. Marinette," My heart skips a beat, "can you please sit with Damian for as long as he is here. He needs an angel at his side to keep away all those negative emotions." She smiled. Angel. That one word described Dupain-Cheng perfectly. Much better than Pixie. 

"Of course, Mrs. Bustier." Angel picks up her bag and takes the seat next to mine, "That was quit an introduction, Robin." 

"I only said the truth. I do not want anything to do with these people." 

"Then why come here in the first place? It isn't a requirement for you attend school while on break, or even just a vacation." 

"Father wanted me here, him and the people I am forced to call brothers say I need more friends."

Angel bursts out laughing causing the entire class to look back at us. 

"Sorry, Mrs. Bustier. I just remembered a video I watched earlier." She rubs the back of her head, giving an awkward smile. 

"Nice save, Angel." I whisper sarcastically. Shit, I slipped up.

"Angel? Where did that come from? I thought I was Dupain-Cheng." 

"You are. I- uh- it was a mix up." I stuttered. Me. What is wrong with me? The conversation last night didn't explain anything that would fix this. 

She gasps, mocking me, "Did the Damian Wayne just stutter?" 

"Shut up, Dupain-Cheng." I grumble.

"Oh, so I'm Angel whenever you're trying to be funny, and Dupain-Cheng when you get your feelings hurt." She teases.

"Damian, Marinette, if you would please solve the equation on the board." Bustier was testing to see if we were paying attention. 

The equation was a simple geometry question. It was asking for the circumference of a circle using radius. I learned this when I was three, if they really wanted to challenge people, they should start making them focus on Poincare Conjecture. 

"46." Angel and I answer at the same time.

"Good, you are paying attention." She goes back to teaching the lesson.


We spent three hours in class, until it was lunch time. We were walking out the main door's, apparently, we were eating off campus.

"We can go to the bakery! My mama and papa made tons of food his morning for a banquet at Le Grand Paris Hotel. Oh, hey isn't that where you're staying, Damian?" Angel was bouncing on her feet, clearly excited. 

"Yes, it is." I answer dismissively. 

"Well, who are you taking with you? This could be a great scoop for my blog!" Cesaire walks up next to me.

"I will not be taking anyone because I am not attending." 

"Dude, you have to go! It's supposed to be some big party with all the rich people of Paris! I'll be there, DJing. Adrian will be there because his custody was given to Mayor Bourgeois. If you go you can bring Alya, and Adrian can bring Marinette." Lahiffe suggests. 

"Great idea Nino!" Agreste pats his friend on the back. 

"I can take Dupain-Cheng, and you can take Cesaire. I have known Dupain-Cheng longer and feel more comfortable with her." 

"Okay then! Plans all set-in motion! Hey, Dudette, can you make our outfits before tonight? I know it's like really short notice." Lahiffe asks Angel.

"Of course I can, I kinda already finished yours, and Adrians this morning. Ypu can get them after we eat lunch. I'll just need four hours to do Alya's, Damians, and mine." 

"I'm sure they look amazing, M'lady." Adrian wraps an arm around her shoulder. She squeezes out of it quickly before continuing on down the street into her parents' bakery. 


We finished school thirty minutes ago, and I somehow found myself walking into Angel's bakery. 

"Hello, you were here earlier, right? Damian?" Mrs. Cheng said. 


"If you're here for Marinette she's upstairs working on her fancy outfit for tonight. I wouldn't go up there, if I were you. She doesn't really talk whenever she's in the zone."

"I was just coming to check on the progress for my suit tonight." That sounded like a rational reason. 

"Okay, just head on up, her room is at the very top." I already knew that. I guess she doesn't remember me as one of the tourists her daughter 'saved'. 

I head upstairs and reach her trap door, whenever I hear a small voice screaming, "You have a crush on who?!"


The dresses: 

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