Chapter Eleven: Sypher/Vel...

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"You think not killing me is enough to make me help you?" Abraxos snorted. "Or tending to my wounds will make me give a shit what you want from me?" He was still bruised and wheezing, but his worst wounds had been healed, taking him back from the brink of death.

The binding shackles sat heavily around his wrists, his mace kept as far away from him where he sat in his cage. The dungeons of Bratus were in the bowels of the central trunk - two full levels dedicated to containing and interrogating creatures of all sizes. And Abraxos sat in the lowest level, in the sturdiest cell.

"I didn't think it would, no," Vel conceded. "But I do think you'd rather walk to Shade than be dragged there on a gurney because I've mangled your legs."

"So you're forcing me?"

"If I have to."

"You'll have to try harder to be scary, demon. I know you and your do-gooder friends are full of horse shit. You're too noble to harm me," Abraxos cackled. Vel cocked his head, then stepped into the shadows, appearing beside the elf and gripping him by the throat.

"Have you ever experienced true darkness?" he asked. "I've heard you can hear your own blood moving through your veins. Your mind plays tricks on you."

"I'm not afraid of the dark," the elf croaked.

"You should be." He dropped his grip, watching the Corrupted crumple, and shadows swept in from all sides to engulf him in a thick black cocoon.

It took twenty minutes for Abraxos to begin screaming. Thirty for him to sob.

That's enough, Sypher said softly. Vel conceded and moved back to let Sypher take over the space. Abraxos was trembling, squinting against the grey of the dungeon after the absolute blackness and silence receded.

The Soul Forge crouched, keeping his wings tucked close. "What did you see?"

"Fuck you," he spat, green eyes blazing. Sypher sighed, and the shadows closed in around Abraxos once more. This time, when the sobbing began, he didn't let the light back in.


"Are you alright?" Julian asked, approaching Sypher where he stood outside the main gate. His face was turned up towards the sunlight, the rays bathing his cheeks as he tried to forget Abraxos' wailing.


"So, no then." The vampire clapped a hand against his shoulder. "What's eating you?"


"Ah." His silver eyes darkened. "Abraxos isn't playing nice then?"

"Neither am I. I'm done being merciful." Sypher's fingers flexed, clenching into fists inside his gloves. "I tried to be reasonable and it failed. I'm doing what I must to keep Elda and the rest of the people here alive."

"I don't doubt it."

"Vel feels better about it than I do."

Julian snorted. "Because Vel isn't a slave to his moral compass like you."

You got that right, Vel chuckled in his mind. The shadows rose and fell around him like waves, responding to the differences in moods between the two halves of his soul.

"Did you hurt him?"

Sypher shook his head. "Not physically. I deprived him of light and sound. His own guilt did the rest. I had to leave before I drove him insane, but I'm hoping when he tells me what he sees I can use it as leverage to get him to agree to help us. I refuse to give the prick a full pardon unless it's an absolute last resort."

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