Chapter Nine: Sypher/Vel...

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Watching Elda create her new court was beautiful. She was commanding, powerful, and the noblemen and women could see it. When it became clear to them that their days of leeching off the crown and climbing the social ladder were done, the Soul Forge smiled.

And when the doors closed and Elda's true personality shone through, he watched in awe. She grew up in a palace, dressed in the finest clothes and fed the richest foods, but she stood with the farmhands and the bakers and butchers like they had always been her kin.

By the time her first court was finished, a strategy had been devised for getting the market square set up so all merchants had a fair chance at earning a trade. The houses and resources had been divided equally among the displaced civilians. There were even plans to arrange a secure trading channel with Valdren.

It had been agreed that the villagers would be the side of the court that helped Elda handle the mundane part of running a kingdom - keeping the people fed and happy, making sure resources were in good supply and creating fair taxes.

Reiner and the Soul Forge would handle the army, along with some of the higher ranking soldiers from the city. Elda had been happy to let them after her experience of war in Eden.

And as a group, Julian and the others helped the new monarchs strategise ways to reach the final two monoliths, because it was clear that they couldn't be left tainted. They fed Malakai's power, and it seemed the Demon Lord had become Aeon's new friend, if the reports were to be believed.

"How in the fuck did Aeon spin it so people support Malakai?" Julian muttered, scowling at the setting sun.

"The same way he managed to convince an entire world that Hephaestus didn't exist. He's a master manipulator," Sypher replied. "I've been protecting this continent my entire life, and he's managed to make half of its population believe I'm worse than Malakai. He may hide behind others, but he isn't to be underestimated."

"Speaking of the Spirits," Edward put in, "they're awfully quiet lately."

"Apologies." They turned to find Hephaestus standing by the windows, black tail swishing slowly behind him. "We have been working on bringing Helios back to us."

"You did it?" Elda asked, her brows rising. "Are they restored?"

"Arden and Helios are fine, and their link remains intact," the jaguar Spirit nodded. "They've asked to see Sypher."

The Soul Forge cocked his head. "Only me?"

"Only you."

"Alright." He bent and pressed a kiss to the top of Elda's head. "Call if you need me." She smiled and nodded.

The link with Arden flickered in his chest, guiding him to a floor two levels below the roost. He paused outside their door, making sure they knew he was there before entering.

Helios stood by the open window, his beak turned towards the last rays of the setting sun. The fire dancing around his feathers was banked, only the tips glowing like embers for now.

Arden sat on his bed, legs crossed, hands on his knees, eyes closed. They opened when Sypher entered.

"You both look well," he commented, letting his eyes pass over the runes marked into Arden's face, and how they were mirrored on his Spirit. "I'm glad to see you back with us, Helios."

"The last time you and I spoke, I called you a monster," Helios replied. His voice was soft and gentle, like birdsong. "I told you that Aeon should have destroyed you the moment you crawled out of Shade."

Sypher remembered the hate in his eyes, the blaze illuminating his feathers. He remembered the snap when their link dissolved, Arden's purpose mercifully fulfilled.

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