Chapter Ten: Elda...

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Elda tried to concentrate on what was being said, but her mind was pre-occupied by the thought of her husband talking to Abraxos while she dealt with yet another complaint from her former court. Arens stood before her with his nose in the air, confidence blossoming without the ever-present shadows surrounding her.

"We demand reinstatement," he pouted. "We were part of the court for decades. To strike us off with no notice after so long is an insult to your father's memory."

At that, her attention snapped wholly to him. Cain's growl echoed through the throne room. "I don't believe you can comment on my father's memory, Arens," she answered through gritted teeth, knuckles whitening around the arms of her throne. "And your decades on the court resulted in nothing more than the fattening of your own purse."

"And how would a princess know anything of the workings of a court? Your involvement was the same as your mothers'. Non-existent!" His nostrils were flared, chin thrust upwards with all the arrogance of a Lord. "Your Majesty, you are unprepared to run this kingdom."

"I am better prepared than anyone to protect my people, Arens." She rose, walking down the couple of stairs to stand before him. "And I will decide who my people are, as well.

His face paled. "Meaning?"

"This world is on the brink of a war few are prepared for. This kingdom is about to face off against a demon lord, and Aeon himself. I need every trusted ally, every advantage I can get, in order to keep the people who follow me safe." She drew on Vel's power, reaching down their bond to pull just a little from him. Shadows rose up around her when he gifted it willingly, and Arens shrank back. "I have to be ruthless if I want Eden to live. There is no room in this city for greedy Lords and Ladies."

"You'd send me away?"

"I'd send all of you away. You and every one of those who choose to pander to your snivelling and whining. Perhaps Aeon will find a use for you."

Arens swallowed and shook his head. "No, we don't want to make the journey. Please, have mercy." His chin dipped at last. "Surely a new queen doesn't want to be seen forcing out her subjects so soon?"

Elda folded her arms across her chest, forcing down the pity that surged up at the sight of his trembling. "I warned you. My mercy has limits. I want every one of you packed up and ready to leave in the morning." She motioned to the guards standing by the doors. "Take him. Make sure the entire ex-court is removed from Bratus at first light."

The guards tapped their left shoulders with their right fists and dragged Arens away, ignoring his protests and letting the double doors swing shut behind them. The shadows surged in to comfort Elda, caressing her cheeks and hands.

You handled that well, nirehni. Cain's voice rumbled through her thoughts, his scaled nose butting her fingertips gently.

"We'll need a pack of supplies sufficient for each of them to make sure they survive the journey," she said aloud. He huffed a breath, his chest vibrating when she leaned back against his neck and and scratched the small scaled under his chin.

I think you should let them starve.

"And I think that would make me a cruel queen."

Why didn't you want your court present?

"I wanted Arens to know I'm capable of making the hard choices myself." She sat on the top of the two small stairs, and Cain settled around her, craning his neck to rest his head in her lap. "I appreciate having a court I can trust, but I also need to show I can be a leader in my own right."

There is no better queen, he replied. You are doing wonderfully. My mother would agree if she weren't away.

"Where is she? I haven't seen her for a few days."

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