10| The Divine Comedy

Start from the beginning

She gasped as another body landed on the floor with a loud thud. The tears were now streaming down her face, but it was too late.

They had found her...

And killed everyone who stepped in their way.

"NO! no, no, no...," she repeated like a mantra, her heart thundering in her chest. She tried to stand up and make her way to the killer, but there was just too much blood on the floor. She slipped and fell to her knees, when she noticed the blood on her hands she simply gave up.

Her past caught up to her.

She defeatly sat next to her boys, holding their hands, awaiting her killer to finish what he started. But he never returned. Chills creeped down her neck when she felt Arthur's little hand move. She immediately raised her head a bit and saw his face. Painted with blood, along with the bullet wound.

"𝕀𝕥'𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕒𝕦𝕝𝕥...".


"When did you woke up? I haven't even noticed when you left..." Voiced Raffael as his head popped up from behind tha balcony door.

Michelle looked ragged, in Rafael's opinion, even more then usual. She had terrible eyebags under her eyes, her hair messy and unkempt and her beautiful eyes were bloodshot. In her hand she had a cigarette, not lit up yet... this is bad... she quit smoking not long ago and she didn't look that terrible when we escaped. She didn't even answered me properly just nodded her head to acknowledge my presence. Something hapended in between their escape and this morning.

Oh boy-

"How are you feeling?" He tried again, but his question fell to deaf ears. Michelle was deeply in thoughts, trying to figure her nightmare out. It was definitely the roughest one she had in weeks.

When she woke up from the nightmare, she nearly kicked Rafael from the bed. She was glad, that she didn't wake them up though, because she rarely wanted to speak it out with them. They still didn't know why she disappeared in 2010 and came back three years later all bloodied and ragged. She had never spoken about it either and they didn't wanted to push it out of her.

Michelle's brothers decided to celebrate her homecoming by letting their bad habits take over. Uraš obviously consumed deadly amounts of alcohol. Rafael ate abnormal doses of food again. And Michelle tried to cope with her pains and dreams by smoking.

All of them tried to quit those terrible habits, but only Michelle managed to do so. She last smoked half a year ago and she haven't lit the cigarette up since. Not even after her nightmare. The brunette just liked the feeling of holding a cigarette, it felt powerful, carefree and sometimes even nostalgic, but it was only temporary buzz of peace.

Sudden realisation overcame her when she noticed movement on her left. Another head came to her peripetal vision. Michelle shaked her head and smiled at her concerned brothers.

"I'm fine~, just reconsidering my life choices of befriending you back in 30's...," she shamelessly lied and ruffled their hair. She would never regret befriending them in the orphanage, even after they captured them and used as a guinea pigs, they stayed together.

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