10| The Divine Comedy

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"You should have seen their faces when I said that? P.R.I.C.L.E.S.S.," he took the effort to express each syllables with different expression.

The three of them were dinning, enjoying the cheerful atmosphere he brought with himself, the moment he stepped through their door. He always loved coming home. Coming back to the most important people in his life. His beloved son and his lovely wife.

Then one evening everything changed.

He was pleased with himself, he made them smile. Everything went quiet as they continued eating.

"Now, now Arthur... your turn~. Tell us about your day," he encouraged his son, who was rather surprised to hear his father asking that, it was mostly the stepmother who had taken care of him. Even if they weren't related by blood, he looked up to her like a son to his mother.

"I don't know... it was good," he answered and stuffed his mouth full of carrots. She couldn't help, but smile at the scene before her.

"I can't believe you could affect him this much...," her husband looked at her with shock and utter disbelieve. "Look what you have done? ... He can't even express himself with words," thanks to his thick British accent, the wife couldn't take him seriously, not that he ever meant it.

"Dear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that." He sulked and looked at her like a kicked puppy. The smile immediately formed on her face, while she tried her best to hide it. In the end, all of them were laughing.

The peaceful moment was unfortunately interrupted by the knock on the door. "Who could it be this late?" Her husband wondered, while he was standing up from the table.

"You haven't finished your meal yet-... sit and eat~ I will go," the wife interrupted him and went to the door. Leaving her two boys wondering.

None of them expected the escalation of the events that evening. Seemingly wonderful dinner was turned into carnage...

She didn't have enough time to examine the danger, she was put in. A fist collided with her face and sent her flying through the wall. Her vision turned black the moment it happened.

Her husband rushed to her help, but he was defenseless against the unknown force. He died on spot, when a bullets were shot through his head. The blood splattered on the nearby walls. The puddle already forming underneath his body.

The wife regained her consciousness with the second bang. Though, when she opened her eyes, all she could see was blood. Her eyes went wide with the sight of her husband's lifeless body.

"MOM! DAD!" Shouted their scared son.


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