Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion

Start from the beginning

"Your Highness," the head maid's voice cut through the hazy veil of desire, drawing Jeonghan's attention back to the present moment. With regal poise, he lifted his gaze to meet hers, the weight of his royal lineage casting a solemn aura around him.

"We are done," she declared, her words a gentle reminder of duty amidst the tempestuous sea of emotions swirling within him. Jeonghan acknowledged her with a dignified nod, a silent gesture of gratitude for her steadfast service.

As the maids gathered their belongings, their graceful movements a testament to years of dedicated service, Jeonghan's gaze lingered upon them with a sense of solemn reverence. They were the silent guardians of his kingdom's legacy, their loyalty an unyielding pillar upon which the realm stood.

"You can go," he murmured, granting them permission to depart with a gracious wave of his hand. With a final bow of respect, they withdrew, leaving Jeonghan alone in the sanctuary of the bathhouse, a solitary figure cloaked in the weight of his crown.

As the water embraced him in its soothing warmth, Jeonghan's slender fingers danced upon his own skin, tracing the contours of his form with a tender reverence. Yet, amidst this intimate solace, his thoughts were consumed by visions of Seungcheol's commanding presence, his mind conjuring images of Seungcheol's strong, muscular hands enveloping him in a possessive embrace.

"Why must I harbor such forbidden desires for you...?" Jeonghan's voice, barely a whisper, echoed softly in the lavishly adorned chamber, his inner turmoil laid bare as he emerged from the bath, clad in the finest silk garments that adorned his figure like a second skin. Wet tendrils of hair caressed his shoulders as he stepped gracefully out of the bathhouse, his heart quickening at the sight of Seungcheol, still seated in his place within the chamber.

"My rose, have you concluded your ablutions?" Seungcheol's inquiry, dripping with regal poise, sliced through the silence, prompting Jeonghan to meet his gaze with a blend of trepidation and yearning. Rising from his seat with a graceful authority, Seungcheol closed the distance between them, his presence wrapping Jeonghan in a captivating spell, leaving him breathless and craving for more.

"Yes," Jeonghan breathed, his voice barely a whisper, unable to meet Seungcheol's intense gaze as the prince drew nearer, his touch sending tingles down Jeonghan's spine, pulling him into a world of exquisite intimacy.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Seungcheol murmured, his lips brushing against Jeonghan's ear, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through him. Jeonghan surrendered to the overwhelming sensation, his body responding to Seungcheol's proximity with a fervent longing.

"Then do it, my rose," Seungcheol urged, his voice a seductive melody as he gently nibbled on Jeonghan's earlobe, coaxing a soft moan from his lips. Jeonghan's fingers tightened around Seungcheol's robe, yearning for more of his touch, his heart racing with desire.

"Submit to me, my beloved rose," Seungcheol whispered, his breath hot against Jeonghan's skin as he peppered featherlight kisses along his neck. Jeonghan surrendered completely, losing himself in the tender intimacy of their embrace, his fingers tangling in Seungcheol's hair as they melted into one another.

As Seungcheol's lips continued their gentle exploration of Jeonghan's neck, tracing patterns of longing and devotion, Jeonghan's senses were overwhelmed by a heady rush of passion. Every kiss, every caress, sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body, awakening desires he never knew existed.

With a soft sigh of surrender, Jeonghan leaned further into Seungcheol's embrace, his heart beating in rhythm with the prince's as they danced the delicate dance of love and desire. In that moment, all fears, all doubts melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled passion that bound them together as one.

"In the sanctum of our realm, it is imperative that you recognize your need for me as profoundly as I yearn for my cherished rose," Seungcheol declares softly, withdrawing from Jeonghan's neck, eliciting a tender whimper. With a tender smile, he tightens his hold on Jeonghan's waist, evoking a shiver of anticipation.

"A mere whisper of desire from you, my beloved," Seungcheol murmurs, leaning close to Jeonghan's lips, met with an intensity in his gaze that speaks volumes of longing, of necessity, of desire—for Seungcheol.

"Very well, since you don't seem ready to surrender—" Seungcheol's words fade into silence as Jeonghan's hands encircle his neck, pulling him into a kiss.

Their lips meld in an intimate union, a passionate exploration of each other's souls, weaving together the threads of their love in a tapestry of shared intimacy and devotion.



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