Big Sister

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Once pops dropped me, Harlow, Jace, and Emma at the party, we immediately headed inside. Harlow's new friends spotted her and made their way over. She greeted them, but said she was good for the night and that we weren't staying long. I figured that was code for she's not smoking or whatever else.

The first hour flew by, but we were having fun. The second hour was when things started to get hectic. Jace was talking to some girl. Emma was at my side. Harlow... Shit, where is Harlow?

"Yo, where's Harls?" Jace quizzed, scanning the room.

"I was just about to ask you that."

"She said something about going to the bathroom with her friend. I was going to go with her, but she told me she was fine," Emma commented

I sucked my teeth.

"Damn, she could be anywhere."

"Harls can handle her own babe. At least that what she tells me just about every day," she added.

"I don't care, Em. That's still my sister. I need to find her."

Harls may be older, but she's says I'm her little/big brother because I'm protective of her. We're protective of each other. You mess with her, you mess with me and vice versa.


I saw one of Harlow's friends yell out to Jace and wave him over. Me and Emma followed him. There was Harlow in the bathroom, slumped on the floor.

"What the fuck happened?!" I shouted.

Emma dropped to her side, lifting her head. She then felt her pulse.

"Her pulse is low. Did she take anything?"

Her friend, Leah I think is her name, stood there stuck on stupid.


"Girl, now is not the time for games. We have to call her dad if something is really wrong. Did she take anything?!"

Emma was now in her face, ready for a fight.

"Babe, chill," I quietly said, making a barrier.

"She took a few pulls, but that's it. The rest of us are okay."

We all groaned and started thinking what the fuck were we supposed to do.

"Hospital isn't that far. We could call 9-1-1 and then Mr. Liam," Jace suggested, pulling out his phone.

"You guys are going to draw attention to the party," her friend said.

We looked at her like she was crazy. Next thing I know, Emma lunges at her. Thankfully I was still standing in front of her of she would've knocked Leah on her ass.

"You dumb ass! Fuck the party. There's clearly something wrong with Harlow!"

"Babe, for real, I need you to chill out. Let's get Harls out of here."

"Ambulance is on the way. Let's at least get her up and out of this bathroom," Jace stated.

"Yeah, let's do that. I don't want to leave her in here and fresh air may help," Emma replied.

She then fixed her gaze on Leah.

"You better hope my best friend is okay or I'm coming for your ass, bitch."

Yeah, my girl was a spitfire.

Jace and I lifted Harlow up and she groaned. Good to know there's some life in her. I'm still freaked the fuck out and I have to call pops.

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