EPISODE 1: We're Waiting Every Night

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*The episode starts out with a scene with a city. It then cuts to cars moving in front of a building.*

Soda Bottle: So, how's the lunch?

Pizza: Eh, fine. I'm just glad that you didn't take us out to Happy's again. Their hamburgers are disgusting.

Soda Bottle: But their fries are delicious!

Pizza: Even then, they put WAY too much salt on them, and half of them don't even taste cooked! It's like they put the fries beside or on top of the deep fryer instead of the deep fryer.

Soda Bottle: Heh, and you think that one restaurant ran by that pistachio guy is better? Trust me. His food is garbage.

*The phone rings.*

Soda Bottle: Oh wait, I'll get it.

Pizza: It's probably Pistachio's Pizza Plaza calling to agree that they are better than Happy's!

Soda Bottle: Oh, we will see about that one, Pizza.

*Soda Bottle answers the phone.*

Soda Bottle: Hello?

Person On The Phone: Hello, is Pizza there?

Soda Bottle: Oh yes he is! Here, let me go get him. Hey Pizza. There's someone here calling for you.

Pizza: Alrighty, I'll be right there.

Pizza: Hello?

Person On The Phone: Hello Pizza! I'm calling you to let you know that you have been one of 6 lucky people to have a chance to be the winner of $1,000,000, by competing on an all new reality show called: FNWF! Are you interested in it?

Pizza: Sorry, but I'm going to have to say no. Goodbye.

*Pizza hangs up on the phone.*

Soda Bottle: Wha—Pizza! You just gave up your only chance to win $1,000,000 on a reality show! Don't you want to compete and win the money?

Pizza: Soda Bottle, please. Everyone knows that if you get a call like that offering you a huge sum of money, it's just a troll. Plus, nobody watches reality shows anymore. So, who's to say anyone wants to compete in one?

Soda Bottle: I mean I guess you are right. I previously got a call last week about some new donation fundraiser. It was obviously fake since they didn't specify what it was, nor where they were donating all the money to.

Pizza: And that's the exact type of calls I don't like.

*Pizza yawns.*

Pizza: Anyways, it's getting late. Do you think we should head off for the night?

Soda Bottle: Yeah, we probably should. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Pizza.

Pizza: Goodnight Soda Bottle.

*Later that night, Pizza is sleeping peacefully in this bed, when suddenly his door slowly creaks open.*

Pizza: Soda Bottle, knock it off. I know that you.

*The door slowly creaks open some more.*

*Pizza gets up and investigates. He peeks out, but there's nobody there. He turns around and heads back to bed.*

*Suddenly a silhouette appears from above Pizza.*

*Pizza opens up his eyes and screams.*


The Silhouette: Adios.

*The Silhouette bashes Pizza upside the head with a crowbar. The screen cuts to black.*

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