Chapter 1

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I think I shot myself this time, these were the words I said when I realized I was living in a lie fetched with a little bit of truth, which is an understatement. Aaron, was the man for me, a perfect gentleman with a sweet tooth, white pearl teeth, and dashing looks that got my whole body on a rampage. Caring and lovely. I found the one. So I thought.

We shared lots of memories, in fact, every day Aaron never forgot to call or say the three words that produced the butterflies inside of my stomach, only that, I had gone past the stage of butterflies. I wanted more than just his kisses, I wanted more than just the I love you. I wanted to give Aaron a piece of me. I giggled at the thought of this, I and Aaron doing the forbidden, yes I knew he wanted it too, His eyes told no lies, and the stares were signals to my body. A little shiver, and I did be running to him anyway what perfect way to do it, if not on Valentine's Day?

That night, before I could speak my mind, Aaron was already taking me to the bedroom, like he knew I wanted what he wanted. I saw the roses he had bought in one corner, I saw the chocolate, my favourite. the perfume and other gifts, I could feel heat all over my body, it wasn't hot but I was hot already, I could feel Aaron's eye on me. the stares were intense, I turned and smiled and just one smile and a little push was enough to break all the walls I had built up.

It's been two weeks since Aaron travelled, after our little bliss that night, he told me he would be travelling, I felt sad but he assured me, he would be back. But now I don't know anymore. I cried my eyes out when I found out his number never existed. I checked his pages but Aaron seemed to have vanished. This wasn't happening, my eyes were red and puffy, I hadn't eaten but I didn't care. My parents and friends kept asking me what was the matter, I couldn't take it anymore, my head was spinning until I slumped.

My eyes were heavy, I tried opening them but it wasn't opening, I forced myself to open them slowly and they did, lights everywhere too hurtful for my eyes, I was confused, white walls, so unfamiliar to my room. Then I saw my mum crying in one corner, my dad petting her. Mum I said forcibly, my voice a little bit hoax, she looked at me crying some more. Confused, why are you crying, I looked at my dad, who was looking elsewhere but not at me.
Tell her Jude, she needs to know what damage she has caused for herself. My mum screamed asking him to talk. I saw my dad's hands tightly closed, I knew that was a sign that he didn't want to be pushed. Then he looked at me coldly.
" You are pregnant".
No this can't be, I was dumbfounded, how is that possible?
Pride you are just 20 for God's Sake, how could you do this to us, especially your mum?
I felt like it was a dream, my dad was talking but my head was spinning, the only guy I had let inside of me was Aaron, it dawned on me this was his plan all along, the one sweet perfect gentleman was the devil himself. I screamed, I hit myself so hard. I was a fool, I gave my body to a total stranger, I thought I knew him, I........
I couldn't take it, tears flowed, I let my heart do the leading and this is it. I let my parents down.

He is gone to meet another victim, and here am I with his prints and I will always remember the prints of my own mistakes.

Dear Lord... These little arrows shut me eventually.

LITTLE POINTERS, CUPID GATEWAYSWhere stories live. Discover now