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After the call hung up, Lucifer let out a long and heavy sigh, unsteadily gripping to his desk. Y/n called him. Finally Y/n talked to him again. After months of agitation finally he heard their voice again, and soon, he'd see them again. He'd smile at them again. He'd feel them again.

God, Lucifer needed Y/n. He needed to know they wouldn't leave him again. He needed to know they loved him. Which, they did. They had to. He was their savior, their shining light.

How could Y/n not love the only person who loves them?

No one could ever know Y/n like Lucifer. No one could ever get close to Y/n like Lucifer. No one owned Y/n like Lucifer.

Lucifer owned every inch of Y/n. He infected their mind, their body, their soul, every bit and piece of Y/n was his for the taking.

He'd go to that run down hotel, and he'd get his beloved guard back.

Meanwhile, Y/n was stressing out about their master's arrival.

"Everything must be perfect for him," They said, "His majesty mustn't be subjected to how this hotel is normally run!"

Angel laughed, slinging his arm around Y/n's shoulder, "Are ya sayin' that it's a shithole here, toots?"

Y/n's lips made a thin line, "Not... exactly, however it is most certainly not up to his standards," They explained.

"Then what is up to the big dick's standards?" Angel sighed, "'Cause it sure as hell ain't somethin' I can do..."

Y/n shook their head, "There's no need to worry, I will fix everything if it's not up to standard!"

"Huh?" Husk butted in, "What do ya mean fix?"

"Well, with a snap of my finger's I will make sure everything is orderly, of course!" They said, "I was not only Lucifer's guard, but also his attendant and housekeeper, I have everything under control!"

"Then why the hell am I doin' all this decorating?" Angel frowned.

Y/n shrugged, "Because," They said, "My young master wanted you to!"

Angel Dust sighed as he fixed his makeup, "You seen smiles anywhere?" He asked, "I ain't seen the guy since yesterday."

Y/n hummed slowly, "Uh..." They frowned, looking around, "I am not sure either, Angel."

"Speaking about me?" A voice spoke up behind Y/n, "I'm right here, darling," Alastor's hand wrapped around their shoulder. His eyes. stared at the scar on their neck.

The spider demon folded his arms over his chest and scoffed, "I was the one wonderin', Smiles," He said, "If I have to work you better do the same."

"Say, Y/n dear," Alastor coos, "How has that scar been treating you?" His fingers brushed against the tender skin, making Y/n shiver, "Good, I hope? It's truly terrible your master may have to see it..."

"Back the fuck off of them, Smiles," Angel warns, grabbing Y/n's hand and pulling them out of the Radio Demon's grasp.

Y/n hummed, "Alastor, it would be better if you keep your distance while my master is here."

Y/n watched as Alastor's smile tightened and his fists balled. The man let out a strained laugh, "Of course, darling!" He said, "But, Angel, I'm afraid this is none of your business." The distortion in his voice made not only the hairs on the back of Y/n's neck stand, but also furniture rumble.

"What the hell is going on over there?!" The tired voice of Vaggie shouted, "Lucifer's coming any second now, get into your positions already!"

Y/n jumped, "Any second now..?" They looked around, "This place is a wreck!" With a snap of their fingers, the hotel was redone.

The previously leaking ceiling was now new and pristine, and the floors became polished and waxed. The messy assortment of foods turned into a buffet, and the banner which had previously had a vulgarly spelled message, turned into a clean "Welcome, Lucifer!"

It wasn't perfect, Y/n clenched their fists. Would their master be upset? Would he become angered?

"Hey," Husk put his paw on Y/n's shoulder, "You nervous?"

Y/n put on a strained smile, "Me... nervous?" They laughed, "Perhaps a little," They admitted.

The cat demon nodded, "More than a little, Y/n. I know that look.."

"Okay yeah, a lot," They said, "My master despises sinners- he's going to hate this place- hate me for staying here."

Husk cupped Y/n's cheek in his paw, "Y/n... Whatever happens the hotel'll be here for you. So don't worry."

"Husker?" Alastor's voice called, "Stop distracting Y/n," He flicked Husk's hand away from Y/n. Alastor's arm wrapped around the guard, "Come now, dear, it's time."

Y/n stood right next to Alastor and behind Charlie. They could feel the Radio Demon's cold hand wrap around their waist, pulling them closer to him. They let it happen, they felt no need to stop it.

"Okay," Charlie took a deep breath, "It's time!"

Before she could open the door, it swung open on its own, "Hello!" The booming voice of the king of hell himself shouted.

Y/n stared at the man blankly. They wondered what they could say to him. They had so many things they wanted to say to him. They wanted to ask about the deleted messages. They wanted to know why he hid the extermination from them. They wanted to know so much.

They watched as he ran to Charlie and pulled her into a long, warm hug. They wanted to smile, yet they could not move. They felt Alastor's grip on their waist tighten.

Lucifer let go of Charlie, and locked eyes with Y/n. For a moment, their mind went silent, and the world stilled.

They wanted to run to him, yet they despised the thought of going back into his arms.

"Y/n," Lucifer said calmly, walking up to them. Y/n didn't move, but they did not resist as Lucifer took their hand and dragged them into a hug.

They felt Alastor's hand fall away, replaced by Lucifer's burning touch.

"Y/n," He repeated, "Y/n... Y/n..." He chanted their name as if it was a hymn. As if it was all that was meant for him to speak, "God, Y/n, you're back."

Back where?

Y/n hummed, "Master," They did not reciprocate his hug, "Welcome to the hotel."

bite the hand [ yandere ! alastor + lucifer x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now