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Y/n yawned as them and Alastor walked through the street. Alastor glanced over his shoulder to Y/n, "Tired?"

Y/n glared at the man, "Of course not," They said, "Someone of my stature can't afford to be tired."

"Well, how about we do something relaxing?" He offered, wrapping his arm around Y/n's tense shoulder, "A museum! How does that sound?"

Y/n looked at the man funnily, "A... museum? Does hell have those?"

"One, dedicated to your dearest master," Alastor's smile grew, "The king of hell, Lucifer!" A venom laced his voice as he talked about Lucifer.

Y/n nodded slowly, "My master? There's a museum for him?"

Alastor laughed, "Yes, of course! He designed and made it himself!" He said, "I'm sure it talks loads about you."

Y/n hummed, "Not loads... but I suppose it would make sense to have something..."

"Then, let's find out, shall we?"

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Y/n and Alastor walked into the museum, which was guarded by hellborn. Walking in, the two were met with a large statue of Y/n's master, his wife, and his child.

Their eyes lingered on the queen of hell, a small frown crossing their face. Alastor hummed at their facial expressions, "Has this statue caught your eye, my dear?"

"I can recall many statues such as this one being carved before me..." Y/n said, "Of the royal family, I mean. My master would always say that I, too, should join the carving... Both I and her majesty were opposed."

"Is that so?"

Y/n nodded, "I remember much about her majesty. I had always looked up to her, you know?" Y/n turned to Alastor, a bittersweet smile across their face, "In a way, I wanted to be just like her," They turned back to the statue, a smile fading, "But..."

Their voice trailed off, not continuing their thought. It would have been blasphemy to say what they wished to.

But now that I have even a slightest inkling of what being queen must have been like, I wish nothing more than to be rid of it.

Y/n clenched their fists, turning to Alastor who had his eyes on them, "Well, no matter," They said, cheering up, "Shall we continue on?"

Alastor's hand latched onto their wrist, pulling them forward, "Now then, dear, I'm simply ecstatic to find out about you through this museum!" His eyes had a glint in them Y/n could not start to describe.

The two walked around the museum, Y/n read every plaque. It was of the story they had heard hundreds of times. It was of hell's creation, Lucifer's fall.

Y/n stared at one of the plaques, "They got this one wrong," They said, pointing to it, "It says other angels fell with Lucifer, but that isn't the case. If others fell, surely I would have known."

Alastor snaked his hand onto Y/n's their fingers intertwining as he laughed, "Who knows? Perhaps Lucifer keeps secrets even from you!"

Y/n frowned, "Yeah... but... other angels? That's so minuscule there would be no reason for that," They argued, "It's all wrong."

Alastor put his hand on Y/n's shoulder, "We should go, Y/n," He said, "I was only interested in you, but it seems Lucifer took no time to include you in this exhibit."

"My master..." Y/n sighed, "Has more important things to do than run around preaching facts about a sinner."

"Is that so?" Alastor hummed, "Is he not a sinner himself?" Alastor inquired.

Y/n looked over to Alastor as he guided them out of the museum, "Well.. It's complicated," They waved off, "He's not like us... like me," They explained, "He's far greater than us, far better."

"You look up to him quite a lot, don't you my dear?" Alastor took note as the two stepped out of the museum.

Y/n's face heated ever so slightly, "Well, I suppose," They nodded, "He's my savior, after all. He found me when I first came here, I owe him everything for that."

"If not him, someone else would have found you, dear," Alastor said, "Such a feat is not special."

Y/n frowned, "It is," They argued, "He... he said so himself, and do not doubt his word."

"Perhaps you should."

"And perhaps you should stop acting like you know a thing about my master," Y/n snapped, "He is not bloodthirsty like we are. He is kind, and gentle," Their eyes trailed to a pond. It was messy and littered in, but was home to a family of ducks, "He loves small creatures, he loves to protect."

They walked over to the pond, crouching down, "He absolutely adores ducks," They said, snapping their fingers and conjuring a loaf of bread, "He... is not heartless like we are."

"You believe sinners are heartless?" Alastor's smile grew, "You believe you are heartless, my dear?"

Y/n froze, "I... well..."

"I don't believe you are," He said, "You have such a pure, delicate heart my dear," His voice became like static, "Look at you now, my dear," The radio demon's voice rang in their ears, "Feeding those poor ducks, just like your master."

"I only do it because he would want me to," They excused, "Because it is what he would do if he were here..."

"Ah, there is that loyalty again, dear," Alastor pointed out, "It almost makes me jealous..."

"There's no need to be," Y/n shook their head, "Jealousy... is not something we can afford to feel," They said.

"No, dear," Alastor shook his head, "It is not something you can afford to feel. I will indulge in sin as I please."

Y/n furrowed their brows, "You and my master are so painfully alike," They said, "Sometimes, when I walk with you, I see him."

"Is that so?"

"When I go back... I wonder if I will see you in my master."

Alastor's smile grew even further, "Oh, you flatter me, my dear!" He laughed, "Now then, it's getting late!" Y/n looked around, seeing some shops closing, "We should eat!"

Y/n noticed the topic shift. God, the two were similar.

words: 1032

bite the hand [ yandere ! alastor + lucifer x reader ]Where stories live. Discover now