Wait for Me

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Wrapped in Kairon's embrace, I melted into his touch, every sensation magnified by the intensity of our connection. His arm around my waist provided a comforting anchor, while the tender support of his other hand beneath my head sent waves of warmth cascading through me. When his lips met mine, a surge of desire ignited within me, fueled by a primal instinct that seemed to transcend time itself.

As our kiss deepened, I found myself lost in the intoxicating sweetness of his taste, like wild berries on a warm summer day. His presence enveloped me, sending shivers of excitement coursing through my veins. When his forked tongue explored the depths of my mouth, a soft moan escaped my lips, a symphony of pleasure echoing in the stillness of the moment.

With each touch, each caress, I felt a bond forming between us, a connection that defied logic and reason. His cool skin against mine only intensified the sensations that coursed through me, heightening every touch, every kiss, until I felt like I would burst with the sheer intensity of it all.

When our lips finally parted, I struggled to catch my breath, my chest heaving with the effort. Yet, even as I gasped for air, Kairon held me close, his touch a soothing balm to my racing heart. His lips pressed against the crown of my head, igniting a spark of warmth that spread through me like wildfire.

But then, a hint of sadness tinged his voice, a shadow that flickered across the brightness of our shared moment. His words held a weight I couldn't comprehend, a fear that sent a shiver down my spine. When he suggested we retreat to his den, I couldn't refuse, not when his gaze held such undeniable allure.

With a nod, I consented, and in an instant, Kairon swept me off my feet, cradling me in his arms like a precious treasure. As we moved through the village, his movements were swift and purposeful, bringing us closer to the sanctuary of his den. In his embrace, I felt safe, cherished, and utterly captivated by the enigmatic beauty of the serpent healer who held my heart in his hands.

As we ventured further from the bustling heart of the village, I couldn't help but wonder where Kairon was leading me. My assumptions of returning to his tent were swiftly dispelled as we approached the rugged terrain at the base of the looming mountains. The air grew cooler, the scent of pine mingling with the earthy musk of the forest.

Soon, we reached the mouth of a cave, its entrance hidden amidst the rocky outcroppings that dotted the landscape. Kairon set me down with gentle reverence, his touch imbued with a quiet strength that spoke volumes of his affection for me. As I gazed into the dim interior of the cavern, a sense of anticipation mingled with a hint of trepidation, the unknown beckoning me forward with whispered promises of adventure.

With a reassuring smile, Kairon gestured for me to follow him into the depths of the cave, his hand extended in silent invitation. As we ventured further into the darkness, the cool embrace of the earth enveloped us, cocooning us in a world untouched by the passage of time. In the soft glow of the dimly lit cavern, I felt a sense of wonder wash over me, a profound reverence for the untamed beauty that surrounded us.

With each step, I felt myself drawing closer to Kairon, our bond growing stronger with every shared moment. In his presence, I felt a sense of belonging unlike anything I had ever known, a deep-seated certainty that this was where I was meant to be.

In the profound stillness of the cavern, Kairon's words hung heavy in the air, echoing softly against the rocky walls. With each step deeper into the darkness, his revelation weighed heavily on my heart, filling me with a sense of foreboding mingled with curiosity.

"This is where I shed my skin, and spend my winters. What I need to show you...what I need you to know, is what kind of beast I really am."

I could sense the vulnerability in his voice, a rawness that spoke of past wounds and hidden truths. The realization dawned upon me that there was more to Kairon than met the eye, secrets woven into the very fabric of his being, waiting to be unveiled in the depths of the shadows that surrounded us.

With a gentle touch, I sought to offer him solace, my hand resting reassuringly on his arm. In response, he turned to me, his touch tender and affectionate as he lifted my hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss against my skin. In that fleeting moment of intimacy, I felt a profound connection between us, a bond forged in the crucible of shared vulnerability and unwavering trust.

As the echoes of his words faded into the silence of the cavern, I knew that whatever secrets lay hidden within the depths of his soul, I would stand by his side, ready to face them together, bound by the unbreakable ties of love and understanding that bound us. With a silent nod of reassurance, I urged him to continue, ready to embrace whatever truths awaited us in the darkness.

"Wait here a moment?"

I could feel my heart racing in my chest as Kairon moved further into the darkness, his words lingering in the air like an unspoken plea for understanding. Despite my instinct to follow him, I remained rooted to the spot, my mind awash with a whirlwind of emotions.

As the sounds of his transformation reached my ears, a shiver of anticipation coursed through me, mingled with a tinge of apprehension. I had anticipated his form to be imposing, but the reality surpassed my expectations. From the depths of the cavern emerged a colossal figure, bathed in the ethereal blue glow of his scales.

In that moment, the truth of Kairon's nature was laid bare before me, his form towering like a mighty oak, his presence commanding reverence and awe. The iridescent light danced along the length of his body, casting mesmerizing patterns upon the cavern walls, illuminating the darkness with an otherworldly radiance.

As his gaze met mine, I beheld the unmistakable features of a basilisk, a creature of legend and myth, feared and revered in equal measure. The memory of my past life surged to the forefront of my mind, flooding my senses with tales of deadly venom and petrifying gaze.

Yet, despite the primal fear that threatened to consume me, I found myself rooted in place, unable to tear my gaze away from the majestic creature before me. For in those eyes, I saw not a beast of legend, but the soul of the man I had come to love, his essence transcending the confines of his formidable form.

With a steadying breath, I summoned the courage to take a step forward, closing the distance between us with unwavering determination. In that moment, as our eyes locked in a silent exchange, I held out my hand and caressed the rough scales of his cheek.

"I'm not going to run, Kairon.. I love you."

Rianna: Mage in the BeastworldWhere stories live. Discover now