Valentine's day.

711 4 11

requested by : TurtleTheT8rtle!!

dis is sorta based on 'She likes a boy' !! anywayz,, enjoy:D


Today was Valentine's day.

Emerson stood alone on a bridge as he watched as couples walked around the city, Holding stuffed bears.. Boxes of chocolates.. Bouquets of roses.. Heart shaped balloons.. It was a nice sight, Really. He should be feeling happy for all the couples, Right?

So why did he feel a burning pain in his chest? The pain of not being loved back by the one he loved? Why did he feel this way? He should be happy for Gregoriah since he witnessed Buttondrop asking him out today.

Emerson had liked Gregoriah for awhile now, Possibly longer than Buttondrop had even liked him. He enjoyed hanging out with Gregoriah on breaks at the emporium, It was fun messing around and chasing each other as if they were kids.

Emerson grasped onto the heart shaped balloon he had in his left hand, Having a bouquet of roses in the other.  Turning around to look down into the ocean below the bridge was was standing on, The sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the bridge was calming. But it didn't clear his thoughts about Gregoriah..

He had originally planned to give the bouquet and heart shaped balloon to Gregoriah, But right as he was about to do so.. Buttondrop interrupted him and confessed first and was now dating Gregoriah. He even managed to kiss the boy he loved too, Right in front of Emerson.

Oh, He HATED it. He hated how Buttondrop had interrupted him right as soon as he was about to confess, He hated how Gregoriah accepted to start dating him.. And he hated how they kissed right in front of him.

But how could he hate Buttondrop? The guy was a nice fellow, He was shy.. Fun to hangout with.. How could he hate the guy? He was a sweetheart and had a nice personality, Of course Gregoriah would choose him over himself.

Emerson loosened his grasp on the heart shaped balloon before letting it go, Watching as it got carried away by the wind, flying up and away into the sky. Deciding that it was now time he headed back home, Turning away from the railings of the bridge before noticing something in the window of a cafe.

Buttondrop and Gregoriah were ordering drinks together, Chatting and having fun like boyfriends as Emerson watched. Feeling his heart shatter into a thousand pieces as he watched the man he loved get taken away by someone else that wasn't him, Looking away in a attempt to distract himself from what he just saw.

He noticed other stuff too, How Buttondrop held onto Gregoriah's hand.. How Gregoriah blushed from the gesture.. How they laughed and flirted.. It was irritating, It pissed him off so much. He hated it, Gregoriah was wasting so much just by being with Buttondrop.

Emerson glanced back to the cafe he spotted Gregoriah and Buttondrop at, Watching as their drinks were finished and how Gregoriah handed Buttondrop's drink to him and how he smiled and blushed at the gesture.

He turned away, Feeling his blood boil before throwing the bouquet of roses onto the ground out of anger. Stomping on it as if it was Buttondrop, Taking out his anger onto the poor roses before calming down a bit. Looking down at the mushed and messy pile of roses, It felt nice doing that.

Emerson took a few deep breaths and stuffed his hands into his pockets, Beginning to walk away before glancing back at the cafe one last time just to see Gregoriah and Buttondrop exiting the building holding hands. Smiling and giggling due to the gesture, Making Emerson turn away and mumble something.

'' Fuck that guy. ''


616 words! so sry dis was so short:( didn' rrly hav much motivation but had enough 2 write it 4 ya^_^


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