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Requested by: Sillychildx9!!
enjoy ur spive>_<


Spilt walked the halls of Splitsvile! as she held a bouquet of rubiginosas's in the palm one of her paws while she had a picnic basket in the other, Smiling nervously as she took a turn to the elevator. She and Bive had planned to meet up at Bugbo's floor, It was usually calm there and the scenery was great!

Spilt had felt a sense of warmth.. No, Love for Bive for awhile now. Deciding to confess how she felt when she was around the theorist at the picnic, She arrived at the front of the elevator and pressed the buttons to have the elevator come down to her floor.

The elevator doors finally opened after a few minutes with the iconic Ding! Spilt stepped inside the elevator, Gripping a tad bit tighter onto the bouquet nervously as she waited for the elevator to stop at Bugbo's floor.

Times like this were when players weren't at the regretevator, It was so nice and peaceful without the constant spraying or getting tomatoes and snowballs thrown at her. Which made her loosen her grip on the poor bouquet, She didn't need it to be all messy when she confessed to Bive after all!

After a few dozen floors later, She finally arrived at Bugbo's floor. Greeting Bugbo as she made her way over to one of the hills, Noticing how Bive had not arrived yet. Spilt didn't mind as it gave her more time to set up the picnic.

Spilt kneeled down and put the bouquet of rubiginosas's down on the grass as she shifted her attention to the picnic basket she had brought along, Opening the lid as she reached for the picnic blanket. Grabbing it and pulling it out of the basket as she stood up, Unfurling the neatly folded blanket into its normal shape.

She had both of her hands on two of the corners of the blanket before throwing (NOT LITERALLY) into the air, Watching the blanket waft in the air as it slowly adjusted onto the ground when she lowered her arms to make it land on the grass.

After doing all of that, She placed the picnic basket onto the blanket. She kneeled down onto the blanket and sat down, Hiding the bouquet behind her for when Bive arrived. Grabbing the paper plates from the picnic basket and setting them down onto the blanket neatly, Tapping her fingers in a rhythm as she waited for Bive to arrive patiently.

The sound of the Regretevator's Ding! alerted Spilt of Bive's arrival, Turning her head to the direction of the elevator as she watched the detective rush out of the elevator. Looking around for spilt in a panic before noticing her and running over, Causing Spilt to laugh in amusment of how panicked Bive seemed.

Bive finally managed to reach Spilt, Panting heavily as she nearly collasped onto the blanket from exhaustion. Spilt quickly rushing to her aid, Helping her sit up properly in a fit of giggles. When Bive was breathing normally she went back to where she was sitting previously, Smiling at Bive.

'' THECLOWNMILLITARYWASCHASINGME. '' Bive was fumbling over her words as she tried to explain why she was late, Receiving a chuckle from Spilt as she placed her paws on Bive's hand. Holding them gently as she smiled at her, Using her one of her paws to rub circles on the detective's hand in an attempt to calm her down.

'' Biveyy..  It's alright! '' Spilt attempted comforting Bive, Having the sudden idea of giving her the bouquet of rubiginosas's to her. Removing one of her paw's from Bive's hand as she reached for the bouquet behind her and showed it to Bive, Smiling.

Regretevator oneshots!!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang