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old men yaoi baking?? bet

srry 4 late psot... my motivation got drained T.T


Mannequin_Mark (Otherwise known as 'Mark'.) sighed as he waited for the elevator to stop at Flattywood, His gaze darting around the elevator as he stood in one of the four corner in the elevator. Listening to the music in the elevator while waiting..

The other NPCS in the elevator consisted of Unpleasant, Jermbo and DrRETRO(Who had.. Murdered Pilby and Bive to enter..). There wasn't much to do other than wait and watch the players mess around in the elevator..

The elevator's doors opened with a Ding! , Causing players to run outside and explore the floor they had stopped on. The floor being Fishy Aquarium, He watched as the players scrambled around in awe of the 'special' floor.

Mark continued watching 'til he noticed a submarine passing the aquarium, Seeing how the players were taking pictures of the submarine and being all excited as if they had never seen a submarine before.

Shortly after the submarine went away, All the players were teleported back inside the elevator. One of the players deciding to target Mark, Beginning to throw snowballs at him. Which was annoying..

Another player stepped in and stood in front of Mark to prevent the snowballs from landing on him, Shooing the other player away before turning back around to face the mannequin. Grabbing a bouquet of flower petals and throwing them onto him, Causing Mark to remember something.

'' I never got him any.. '' He mumbled, Shifting his gaze away from the stunned player in front of him.  This caused a chain reaction and now he was being swarmed by players, Glancing over to DrRETRO for help.

DrRETRO simply giggled at the sight before charging up her laser beam and blasting it into the group of players, Successfully managing to get rid of majority of them with a few players managing to dodge the beam. Now standing on the railings in the elevator in shock, Deciding it was better if they messed with Unpleasant instead.

The elevator finally came to a stop with the same Ding! as players began to swarm outside, Mark noticed that it was Flattywood. Which was the floor he needed to go on, Beginning to hop out of the elevators as players watched in confusion.

Mark hopped his way over to the asymmetrical arch-like brick structure in the middle, Waiting for Wallter to arrive as players began swarming Mark once more. Seemingly confused as to why the mannequin had stepped off at this floor, Talking to one another about a supposed 'Update' as to why this happened.

Suddenly, A explosion could be heard in the distance as Wallter jumped down from the arch-like structure. About to continue walking to the elevator before he noticed Mark, Stopping as he turned to him. Glaring down at him while the players were going INSANE with this interaction, Talking amongst each other before one of them spoke up.

'' Are ya gonna keep starin' or are we gonna go do what we were supposed do? '' Mark spoke in a harsh tone, Glaring up at the taller figure. '' Oh.. Yes! '' Wallter nodded. '' We should be going now. '' She nodded, Agreeing before kneeling down and picking up the mannequin. Beginning to walk before Mark could even register what was going on..

'' Ough- Put me down, Brickboy! '' Mark demanded as he swung his arms around to get Wallter to put him down, Clearly irritated with the gesture. '' If we want to get there fast then we're gonna have to do it like this. '' Wallter explained before continuing. '' You acting like a man-child is not helping. '' 

Mark sighed dramatically as he let his arms fall limp to his side, Letting Wallter carry him to where they needed to get to faster. Watching the scenery surrounding them as Wallter walked towards his house..

It was Lampert's birthday tomorrow and the only people they knew who could actually bake (Poob and Pest) were busy, So the two of them had to work together and try to bake the cake even if they didn't want to see each other.

>>> time skip ( IM SORRY IDK WUT 2 WRITE) <<<

Mark propped himself up onto the counter, Sitting on it as Wallter put in the cake batter into the oven before shutting the door and setting the timer along with the heat. And now all they had to do was wait for the cake to be done so they don't have to see each other much longer..

Mark tapped his fingers in a certain rhythm against the kitchen counter, Glancing around the area. Wallter had changed the place a lot ever since they... Divorced and all that stuff.. The furniture Mark had bought before was no where to be seen and was replaced by other stuff, Which made the mannequin frown a bit.

Wallter was sitting down on one of the chairs he had set up in the kitchen, Looking through their Ifone as she waited for the cake to finish baking. Deciding to look at his older photos, Scrolling through memories before stumbling upon a photo that caught his eye.

It was their wedding photo, They both were dressed up in fancy suits and he was carrying Mark bridal style. Kissing each other passionately while Pest had photobombed the moment, Poob managing to slip into the moment while rushing to get Pest out..

He began shaking slightly as her eyes became glossy, Tears filling up their eyes as he put a hand over her mouth to try and silence their sobs if he even began crying. Their breathing hitched as he fought back tears, Struggling to not cry.

The loud beeping of the oven caught Wallter off guard, Turning his head towards the direction of the noise before standing up. Placing her phone onto the nearby counter before glancing over to Mark. '' Its done. ''

Wallter opened the oven door and grabbed the tray the cake was in, Putting it onto the counter as Mark watched in surprise. Remembering Wallter was quite literally concrete so he wouldn't get burned, Hopping over to the counter which tall wall put the cake onto.

The mannequin observed the cake as if it was a zoo animal, Making sure it wasn't burnt in any place. It had to be perfect for Lampert otherwise he wouldn't eat the cake cause it was 'Unsanitary' or whatever

The cake was mostly perfect, Some spots were burnt but it could be easily covered with whipped cream and all that stuff. Wallter could decorate it on his own, Mark thought. Glancing over at tall wall, Noticing a unusual expression on her face.

'' So erm.. Do I just leave now? What we needed t' do is already done.. '' Mark questioned Wallter, Staring at him while he waited for a response. '' I suppose you should go now. '' Wallter replied in a monotone voice.

Mark simply nodded before hopping away, Leaving Wallter standing in the kitchen alone to finish the rest of the cake. The thought of their marriage photo from years ago invaded Wallter's thoughts once more..

Too bad Mark didn't really love him anymore.


1186 words!! ALSO TYSM 4 OVER 1K READS AHHH ILY GUYS SO MUCH!!! gegehheheheh i never thought we'd get dis milestone omggg tysm once again!!!

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