Party Poober!

753 6 8

requested by: Co4gico4gi !!

i <3 fleshcousin heheehehehe



Poob nervously leaned on the counter in their kitchen, Looking around at the people partying in their apartment. Chewing on the inside of their cheek , Having a distressed look on their face as they sighed.

They had invited Fleshcousin to one of their parties for the first time and they were worried that it would make people uncomfortable, Similarly to how Unpleasant usually did to people around them in the Regretevator.

Fleshcousin was currently standing in the corner near Pilby, Mimicing what it had heard from others and Pilby which made them laugh a bit. The caterpillar was actually smiling for once, Which was good to see.

Pilby smiled softly as they talked to Fleshcousin, Laughing at the nonsense the mimicker said before glancing away. Noticing Poob in the kitchen, They seemed to have a troubled expression. Looking back to fleshcousin before telling it that they were gonna check up on Poob, Causing it to mimic what Pilby said once more before the caterpillar left.

The party-goer snapped out of it as soon as they saw someone approaching, That person being Pilby.. The one that managed to convince Poob to let Fleshcousin join one of their parties. Trying to act normal in front of Pilby, Smiling nervously as Pilby stood next to them.

'' Why do you look so blue..? Honk.. ''  Pilby questioned, Having the same frown plastered on their face as they looked at Poob. '' Its nuthin rlly! jst worried fleshy mite mak ppl uncomfy n al! '' They smiled brightly in a attempt to reassure Pilby.

'' Guh.. Are you sure your fine.? :o( '' Pilby questioned once more to make sure Poob was actually fine. '' duh! wuts a partee if the host is feelin down?! '' Poob went back to their usual self, Trying to get Pilby to be less worried about them.

'' Gough... If you say so.. Honk...'' Pilby said in a soft tone before walking off, Poob smiled before going back to how they were before. Looking back to where Fleshcousin was.. Before noticing that it was gone, Nowhere to be seen.

Fleshcousin was nowhere to be seen, Poob noticed Pilby panicking as they looked around for Fleshcousin in a hurry. Pilby seemed extremely worried,  Looking through every room to try and find the mimicker..

Poob decided to help out with the search, Standing up straight before walking to one of the rooms to try to find Fleshcousin. Being unable to find it in every place they searched, Room by room.. Fleshcousin was nowhere to be found.

After half a hour, Poob gave up in searching for Fleshcousin. Sighing in exhaustion as they leaned against the counter in their kitchen, Tiredly looking around the area before spotting something out of the ordinary.

Fleshcousin was stealing the FUCKING cat.

Poob noticed this right away. '' HEY!! PUT THE CAKE DOWN!! '' They yelled before rushing over, Shoving Fleshcousin away before adjusting the cake to be placed on the table normally. Making sure it wasn't ruined or anything.

'' Sweetness in circles in flowers. '' Fleshcousin spoke in a fumble of words, Receiving a glare from Poob as Pilby ran over to Fleshcousin. Having a relieved expression on their face before turning back to Poob, Noticing Poob was NOT happy with fleshcousin.

'' D'ohh... I'm sorry about them.. Honk.. :o( '' They apologized in a soft tone on behalf of the mimicker, Two of their arms clasped together. The action caused Poob to smile at them softly, Glancing at Fleshcousin for a moment before looking back at the caterpillar.

'' its alrite!! jst mak sur it dosnt does it agan plz.. '' Poob reassured them, Making sure Pilby won't begin crying. '' Honk.. okay.. '' They spoke in a small voice, Sniffling for a moment before turning to Fleshcousin.

Pilby wrapped their arms around Fleshcousin in a hug, Grasping onto it as if it was the only thing keeping them alive at this point. In response to the gesture, Fleshcousin wrapped one arm around them.

Pilby pulled away from the hug, Holding Fleshcousin's hand before looking at Poob. '' I think we'll leave now.. :o) '' They smiled softly before waving goodbye, Walking towards the elevator and entering it.

Poob smiled before sighing in relief, Going back to Partying. Pilby and Fleshcousin seemed to be getting along and Pilby seemed more happy around it, Which was nice to see.. But Fleshcousin won't be invited to one of Poob's parties for awhile due to this.

What a party poober..



IN MIME ( fleshcousin x pilby ) WE TRUST!!! GRAH!!!

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